Configuring Installation Repositories

Configuring Installation Repositories

Liquibase Business was formerly known as Datical DB.


Use the Liquibase Business GUI to configure the third party repository to use when you perform the following actions:

  • Install additional components (Database drivers, SCM plug-ins)

There is a repository on the update.datical.com site for each of the following components:

  • Third Party (contains database drivers and SCM plug-ins, which are obtained from a third party rather than developed by Liquibase/Datical)

  • GUI (not typically used by Liquibase Business customers)

  • CLI (not typically used by Liquibase Business customers)

Adding Installation Repositories Using the GUI

This procedure starts from a new installation of Datical DB.  

  1. Start the Liquibase Enterprise GUI

  2. In the GUI window, select Help > Install New Software.


  3. You see the Available Software window.  


  4. To the right of the Work with field, click Add. You see the Add Repository dialog. 


  5. Fill in the the Name and Location values as follows for the third party repository, then click Add

    Name: Liquibase Business ThirdParty Repository Location: http://update.datical.com/latest/thirdparty


  6. Check the list of repositories. In the Available Software window, click the selection arrow in the Work with field. You should see the following list of available sites:

    --All Available Sites-- Liquibase Enterprise ThirdParty Repo - http://update.datical.com/latest/thirdparty

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