Start Here: Liquibase Business Installation Overview

Start Here: Liquibase Business Installation Overview


Liquibase Business was formerly known as Datical DB.

Installation Scenarios

Where are you in your adoption of Liquibase Business? 

Evaluation: Evaluation of Liquibase Business on the way to automation

Installation for a User - install on a system (typically Windows) that an individual will use to define release pipelines and move database changes through them. Typically used in contexts where some of the following conditions are true: 

  • Smaller or less-demanding volumes of changes
  • Manual operations
  • May or may not be synchronized with application changes
  • Has access to the internet - during installation of Liquibase Business, can use an Update Site Repository

Automation System: Testing and usage of Liquibase Business in an automation environment

Installation for an Automation System - install on a system (typically Linux).  An automation system (Jenkins or other) runs scripts to perform operations.  Typically used in contexts where some of the following conditions are true: 

  • Automated or scheduled operations, although manual operations may also be available.
  • Synchronized with application changes - the automation system controls both.
  • Does not have access to the internet - during installation of Liquibase Business, must use a local resource - Requires placement of a Liquibase Business Composite Repository.

Expansion: Large-scale expansion of Liquibase Business Usage

Automated Installation of Liquibase Business - Use an automation system to install Liquibase Business on many systems (either user installations or automation installations).

Delivers Liquibase Business for either or both: 

  • Multiple individual users
  • Multiple automation systems 

What You Need from Liquibase/Datical Before Starting

You need to set up accounts on Datical web sites

Get access to this site:

See Activating Your Liquibase Business/Datical Accounts

Database clients
  • Install the database client for each database type you will manage from the system where you install Liquibase Business.
  • Make sure the database client is on the PATH

Installation Resources

Datical provides the following resources for installation.

All Software

The Liquibase/Datical Electronic Software Distribution site (software.datical.com) contains installation files and PDF documentation files for each release. 

  • Windows executable installation images (.exe)
  • Linux executable installation images (.jar)
  • Composite installation repository (all installation files in a zip file)


Repositories are used to install or update Liquibase Business. 

  • Update Site Repository: update.datical.com - Available as a repository to be used to perform installation of third party drivers and plugins.

What You Install

Liquibase Business Components
  1. Liquibase Business Clients - The Liquibase Business application contains GUI and CLI clients.
  2. Database Drivers (JDBC) - used to connect to managed databases.    
  3. SCM Plug-ins - allow you to interact with your source control management system through the Liquibase Business GUI
    • The capability is optional. You can also work with SCMs directly. 

What Directories are Created on a System

  • Installation directory
  • Project Workspace directory

Installation Directory - DaticalDB

This directory contains all executables and support files.

  • Clients (GUI and CLI)
  • JDBC Drivers for the database types you manage
  • SCM Plug-ins for the Source Control Management system you use (typically the same one used by your application development organization)
  • Eclipse infrastructure files

Location: You can choose the installation directory during installation. The default locations are the following directories:

  • Windows - C:\Users\<username>\DaticalDB
  • Linux - <home-directory>/DaticalDB

Project Workspace directory - datical

The project workspace contains files for each project you create in Liquibase Business. 


The workspace directory is not removed or changed when you upgrade or re-install Liquibase Business

When you create a project, the project definition is stored in the workspace.

As you perform operations on the project (package, forecast, deploy, rollback), files in the workspace are created, updated, moved, and removed. 

Location: This is a fixed location. 

  • Windows - C:\Users\<username>\datical
  • Linux - /<home-directory>/datical

Sample Installation Steps

The actual steps vary depending on your choice of system, installation tool (GUI or CLI), and installation repository (Update Site repository or Composite Repository). 

These samples give you a quick overview of the steps involved in the sample cases. 

Use Case: Individual User

Windows is the most common platform for individual users.

The following scenario is for a user system that has access to the internet (Update Site Repository)

  1. Download the Liquibase Business installer for Windows (.exe)
  2. Run the GUI installation to install the clients (GUI and CLI)
  3. Start the GUI.
  4. Configure the GUI to add Update Site third party repository
  5. Install the JDBC drivers
  6. Install the SCM plugins (optional) 

Use Case: Automation System

Linux is the most common platform for use by automation systems. Typically hosts that are part of automated processes do not have access to the internet. 

  1. From a host that has access to the internet, download the Liquibase Business composite repository, which contains installation files for the Liquibase Business clients and JDBC drivers.
  2. Move the composite repository to the host where you want Liquibase Business to run. 
  3. Run the installation from the command line. 
  4. Test the installation using the CLI
  5. Create scripts for the automation system that call Liquibase Business commands

Sample Installation Steps for Automated Installation of Liquibase Business

  1. Package Liquibase Business installation resources into an artifact.
  2. Deliver the artifacts to target systems.
  3. Extract the installation resources from the artifact. 
  4. Run scripts to install Liquibase Business on each target system. 

Alternative Installations

Instructions are provided for alternative types of installation. They are typically when installing for an automation system. 

Administering the Installation

If your site requires it, you may also need to refer to Administering the Installation for additional information on several topics, including the following:

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