Installing and Managing Liquibase Business Licenses
Liquibase Business was formerly known as Datical DB.
License Warning on Startup
If you start Liquibase Business and a license is not installed, a warning is shown.
Click OK to dismiss the warning. You can proceed to work in the GUI, but you cannot connect to databases until you install a license.
Installing a License in the Desktop Client/Eclipse GUI
Obtain a license file from Liquibase Support and place it on the system where you are running an instance of Liquibase Business.
Start the GUI. Dismiss the license warning (click OK).
In the GUI, choose File > License Manager.
Select the type of license to install, then click Next.
Choose (Re)Install a license key, the click Next.
Use the browser to choose the license file.
Click Finish.
Displaying a License Key in the Desktop Client/Eclipse GUI
You can display the license key installation date and expiration date, as well as details about the license.
Start the GUI
In the GUI, choose File > License Manager.
Select the type of license to display, then click Next.
Choose Display the installed license key, the click Next.
Review the license information. Click Finish when done.
Update license from CLI (using "hammer" command):
Just before installing your new license, you can run an uninstall command to uninstall all older licenses:
hammer uninstallLicense
Run the following command to install your new license:
hammer installLicense <path_to_license_file>
For example:
hammer installLicense /opt/datical/license/<CompanyName>-<ExpirationDate>-admin.lic
Displaying license from CLI:
To check what license is currently installed run the following command:
hammer show license
Counting Licensed Objects
Liquibase business is licensed by the number of connections managed in an organization. The object licensed depends on the type of database.
License counting is a routine part of verifying the number of database connections (DbDefs) that you are managing, compared to the number that you are licensed to manage.
The license counter reports on the projects that are installed on a host by inspecting the project files.
When you run the license counter, specify a starting directory. It walks the file system from that point down and reports on all project files that are found in the hierarchy.
To count licenses, do the following:
Log on to a host where you have created Liquibase Business projects.
Run the license counter. The output goes to
, so provide a redirection to a file.Linux: hammer licenseCounter ~/datical > LBBLicenseCount.txt Windows: hammer.bat licenseCounter C:\LBBusiness\Projects > LBBLicenseCount.txt
Inspect the license file to determine the number of licenses in use on the host. The following example shows the format of the report.
DB2: jdbc:db2:// jdbc:db2:// Total Unique DB2 Databases: 2 Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1523/orclsid jdbc:oracle:thin:@ jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/ jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1523:orclsid jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/orcl Total Unique Oracle Databases: 6 MSSQL: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\MSSQLEXPRESS:1433;databaseName=AdventureWorks2014 jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\SQLEXPRESS:49818;databaseName=mydb2 jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\SQLEXPRESS:49818;databaseName=mydb Total Unique MSSQL Instances: 2 Total Unique MSSQL Databases: 3 Total Instances Managed: 10 Total Databases Managed: 11
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