Upgrading Liquibase Business

Upgrading Liquibase Business

Liquibase Business was formerly known as Datical DB.


  • You have downloaded the installer for Windows or Linux systems. See Downloading the Liquibase Business Installer.

  • Prior to upgrading, you can choose to keep your older version installed or uninstall it.

  • If you choose to uninstall, run the uninstall.jar from <INSTALL_DIR>/Uninstaller directory.

  • If you choose to keep your older version installed, follow this best practice:

BEST PRACTICE: It is always best to maintain a consistent naming convention for directory where you install Liquibase Business.

Your latest version could be installed in C:\Apps\LiquibaseBusiness directory on Windows or /opt/liquibase directory on Linux and rename directory for older versions as follows:

  • C:\Apps\Liquibase_7.0 on Windows or /opt/liquibase_7.0 on Linux

  • C:\Apps\Liquibase_7.2 on Windows or /opt/liquibase_7.2 on Linux

  • C:\Apps\Liquibase_7.5 on Windows or /opt/liquibase_7.5 on Linux

Upgrading Liquibase Business

Upgrading Liquibase Business requires installing a new version. Follow the steps here:


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