Variation: Using the GUI and the Composite Repository
Liquibase Business was formerly known as Datical DB.
- 1 Use Case: Individual User Without Access to the Internet
- 2 Installing Liquibase Business
- 2.1 1. Download Installation Files
- 2.2 2. Move Installation Files to the Target Host
- 2.3 3. Install Liquibase Business Clients
- 2.4 4. Configure the GUI to Use the Composite Repository
- 2.5 5. Install Database Drivers and SCM Plug-ins for the Eclipse GUI
- 2.6 6. Install JDBC Drivers in Liquibase Business for Command Line Operations
Use Case: Individual User Without Access to the Internet
This installation method can be used for all Windows installations. This method the only method to use if you do not have access to the internet from the host where you are installing Liquibase Business.
You follow most of the same steps as Theme: Using the GUI and the Update Site to Install Liquibase Business on Windows Systems, but you set up the composite repository to use when you install database drivers and optional SCM plug-ins.
Installing Liquibase Business
1. Download Installation Files
On a host that has internet access, download the following items from
Windows installer (.exe file) - Example:
Composite repository - Example:
2. Move Installation Files to the Target Host
Move the files to a directory on the Windows host where you are installing Liquibase Business.
Do not extract files from the composite repository. You work with the zip file.
3. Install Liquibase Business Clients
You have downloaded the Liquibase Business Client. For example:
Double-click on the installer file (.exe).
Click Next
Select I accept, then click Next
Click Next
If you are installing in a new directory, you see a message. Click OK.
You see a list of software to be installed. Leave all items checked. Click Next
License Path: If you have your license file, browse to it to install it.
If you do not have it, you can install it later.
Click Next.
You see progress bars. When they have completed, click Next
Select Create additional shortcuts on the desktop, if desired, then click Next.
You see Installation Finished. Note the location of the uninstaller program.
Click Done to exit the installer.
4. Configure the GUI to Use the Composite Repository
Configure the GUI to use the Composite Repository as the installation repository for the remaining components.
Start the Liquibase Business GUI
In the GUI window, select Help > Install New Software. You see the Available Software window.
To the right of the Work with field, click Add. You see the Add Repository dialog.
Name: Enter the name, Liquibase Business Composite Repository
Location: Click Archive, then use the file browser to select the composite repository zip file that you downloaded. For example:
5. Install Database Drivers and SCM Plug-ins for the Eclipse GUI
In the GUI window, select Help > Install New Software. You see the Available Software window.
To the right of the Work with field, click the menu to see the list of repositories.
Select composite repository you added, Liquibase Business Composite Repository
Select Database Drivers and (optionally) one or more SCM plug-ins, then click Next.
The SCM Plug-ins allow you to perform source control operations from the Datical DB GUI for Subclipse/SVN/Subversion. Installing a SVN plug-in is optional. You can also choose to work directly with SCM applications. Note that Git functionality is already included, so you do NOT need to install any plug-ins if you use Git as your source control.
Follow the prompts to complete the installation and restart Liquibase Business.
6. Install JDBC Drivers in Liquibase Business for Command Line Operations
For command line operations, typically for automation tools, Datical DB needs to have JDBC database drivers installed in "REPL" directory.
Ensure that "hammer" is in your PATH environment variable. Hammer is installed in
. For example,C:\Apps\DaticalDB\repl
To add this to your PATH environment variable for this command prompt session, you would use:
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Apps\DaticalDB\repl
You can add
in your Windows Environment variables for future command prompt sessions. Add it in the Path of the System variables.
Make sure you have your Liquibase Business Composite Repo downloaded on the machine where you are installing your drivers. Assume that your composite repo filename is "DaticalDBCompositeRepo-
.zip".Use this command to install drivers. Command should be run in a CMD shell as an Administrator:
hammer installDrivers jar:file:/C:/Users/Administrator/Downloads/!/
Check installed drivers as:
hammer checkdrivers
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