Liquibase Enterprise 8.8 Release Notes

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Liquibase Enterprise 8.8 Release Notes

Software Downloads

Go to https://download.liquibase.com/ to download files.

Upgrade Notes

DMC Users

DMC users should be aware that Liquibase Enterprise 8.8 requires an upgrade of the DMC to version 8.6+ to ensure that the DMC Report Links continue to work as expected.


Added MSSQL Ephemeral Database Support

For Microsoft SQL Server databases, a backup restore method is available that allows teams to create a temporary, or ephemeral, Ref DB for packaging changes. The packaging operation creates a copy of the first database in a pipeline. Scripts eligible for packaging apply to the copied database, and Enterprise destroys the copy at the end of the packaging operation.

See Configure Deployment Packager to Use a SQL Server Ephemeral Database

Associated Tickets: DAT-17547

Added PostgreSQL Ephemeral Database Support

For PostgreSQL databases, a backup restore method is available that allows teams to create a temporary, or ephemeral, Ref DB for packaging changes. The packaging operation creates a copy of the first database in a pipeline. Scripts eligible for packaging apply to the copied database, and Enterprise destroys the copy at the end of the packaging operation.

See Configure Deployment Packager to Use a PostgreSQL Ephemeral Database

Associated Tickets: DAT-18447

Desktop Client Updates, CLI Updates, and Issues Addressed

Issue ID




Added a new property internalRules.disabledDefaultRules to the daticaldb.properties file which provides the ability to turn off Package and Forecast Rules for ModifyDataType and other internal rules.

See How To: Turn off internal rules for CreateIndexType, CreateTableType, and ModifyDataType for additional details.


Added MSSQL ephemeral database support. See Configure Deployment Packager to Use a SQL Server Ephemeral Database


Fixed an issue with the CLI showing an old license when a newly installed license is available on the server. Any new license installation will now replace licenses with 30 days or less remaining. See Install and Manage Licenses


Added PostgreSQL ephemeral database support. See Configure Deployment Packager to Use a PostgreSQL Ephemeral Database


Fixed an issue with the MSSQL Integrated Security dlls shipped with Liquibase. The correct version is now included with the install and is version mssql-jdbc_auth-12.4.0.x64.dll (or mssql-jdbc_auth-12.4.0.x86.dll for 32-bit machines.) See Setting up Integrated Security for Active Directory for instructions on installing the dll.


Added support for sqlcmd version 18 to be used as the native executor for SQL Server deployments. See Installing SQL Server Clients


Addressed an issue with Oracle Ephemeral Packaging with runtime credential support. For customers using Oracle Ephemeral Packaging and runtime credentials with Liquibase Enterprise versions 8.6 or 8.7, please contact Liquibase Support for a custom script to address this issue.

SqlParser Issues Addressed

SqlParser issues apply to Oracle databases only.

Issue ID



Addressed an issue on the Forecast Report where the Table Impact Summary only reported the first drop of a multi-drop statement.


Corrected an issue with SQL Parser when attempting to drop and create an index.


Corrected an issue with multi-schema Oracle projects where DROP INDEX statements were failing with index does not exist errors when indexes referenced tables in another schema.

DMC Issues Addressed

Issue ID



Added instructions for migrating from Demo Mode to Production Mode. See Database Migration from DMC Demo Mode to Production Mode


Certified DMC usage with AlmaLinux 9.


Corrected an issue with sync operations for deleted pipelines where Packager operations had previously run on the deleted pipeline.

Error addressed was: ERROR: update or delete on table "dprj_environment" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dprj_packager_env_id" on table "dprj_deploy_packager"

This fix does not require a DMC update but rather an update to the GUI or CLI to Liquibase Enterprise version 8.8.

Documentation for v8.8

Updated Documentation:

Documentation is available in the following locations:

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Desktop & CLI)









Choose the Linux or Windows installation file for your system

Composite Installation Repository



Liquibase Enterprise Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC)










Liquibase Enterprise includes a web-based Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) that provides a centralized location to view pipeline status and report information for all your Liquibase Business & Enterprise projects.

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Datical DB) and DMC Compatibility

Each DMC release only works with certain releases of Liquibase Enterprise Desktop. To ensure compatibility, consult the Deployment Monitoring Console Compatibility Matrix.


DMC Update Instructions

Updating the Deployment Monitoring Console to the latest version is similar to the installation process.

  1. Go to https://download.liquibase.com/ , download, and copy the datical-service-unix-<version>-master.sh, file to your existing DMC server.

  2. Run the installer with the following command and enter your existing OS user as the admin user and admin group:

/home/datical> sudo bash /datical-service-unix-<version>-master.sh
  1. Enter the directory of the previous DMC installation when prompted for an install location.

The installer will update your installation and restart affected DMC services. You can begin using the new version of the DMC immediately.



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