Liquibase Enterprise 8.6 Release Notes

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Liquibase Enterprise 8.6 Release Notes

Software Downloads

Go to Liquibase Software Updates to download files.

Upgrade Notes

DMC Users

DMC users should be aware that Liquibase Enterprise 8.6 requires an upgrade of the DMC to version 8.6 to ensure that the DMC Report Links continue to work as expected.


Ephemeral Packaging for Oracle Databases

For Oracle databases, two new backup restore methods are available that allow teams to create a temporary, or ephemeral, Ref DB for packaging changes. The functionality uses Oracle’s multi-tenant technology and requires the first database in the pipeline to be a pluggable database (PDB). A copy is created of this database during the packaging operation. Scripts eligible for packaging are applied to the copied database and the copy is destroyed at the end of the packaging operation. There are options to create the ephemeral database in the same CDB container as the first database in the pipeline using the BackupRestoreOracleEphemeralInternalPdb backup restore method or to create the copy in a second, or external CDB container using the BackupRestoreOracleEphemeralExternalPdb backup restore method.

Associated Tickets: DAT-13287

Associated Documentation: Configure Deployment Packager to Use an Oracle Ephemeral Database

Labels Filter added to Reports in DMC

A new column for Labels and an accompanying filter are available in the DMC under the Reports section. The label column allows users to search reports by script name or any other labels being used by the pipeline, such as release or ticket number.

Associated Tickets: DAT-16057



Notable Improvements

Database Support

Desktop Client and CLI Updates and Issues Addressed

Issue ID



Added the ability for Oracle to package changes on a temporary or ephemeral PDB database versus setting up a Ref DB in the pipeline.



Corrected an issue with scripts over 4000 characters failing to save to the DMC database.


Corrected an issue with SQLParser for Oracle where indexes were being incorrectly generated for certain procedure scripts.


Removed the requirement for an -ignore file to be 0-bytes. See Abandoning and Restoring a Changeset: ignore and unignore.


Updated Red Hat Drools component from 7.17.0.Final to 7.48.0.Final to address EOL status for earlier version.


Updated Oracle instant client packaged with Liquibase Enterprise from 12c to 19c.


Corrected an issue with a -replace file not executing if committed before a -cleanup file.


Removed repetitive Warning logging statements regarding oracleBackup settings.

DMC Issues Addressed

Issue ID



Added breadcrumbs and “Back to …” links on the Reports section to return to Project and/or Pipeline from the Reports page. Also added Pipeline Name column and accompanying filter to this page.


Added labels column and accompanying filter to the Reports section of DMC.

Documentation for v8.6

Documentation is available in the following locations:

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Desktop & CLI)









Choose the Linux or Windows installation file for your system

Composite Installation Repository



Liquibase Enterprise Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC)










Liquibase Enterprise includes a web-based Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) that provides a centralized location to view a pipeline status and reporting information for all your Liquibase Business & Enterprise projects.

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Datical DB) and DMC Compatibility

Each DMC release only works with certain releases of Liquibase Enterprise Desktop. Consult the Deployment Monitoring Console Compatibility Matrix to ensure compatibility.


DMC Update Instructions

The process of updating the Deployment Monitoring Console to the latest version is similar to the installation process.

  1. Go to Liquibase Software Updates , download and copy the datical-service-unix-<version>-master.sh file to your existing DMC server.

  2. Run the installer with the following command and enter your existing OS user as the admin user and admin group:

/home/datical> sudo bash /datical-service-unix-<version>-master.sh
  1. Enter the directory of the previous DMC installation when prompted for an install location.

The installer will update your installation and restart affected DMC services. You can begin using the new version of the DMC immediately.



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