Liquibase Enterprise v7.3 - Release Notes

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Liquibase Enterprise v7.3 - Release Notes

Software Downloads

Go to https://software.datical.com to download files. See details for the release below. 

Customer Notices for Upgrades

Starting with the 6.10 release, Datical DB will run in the OpenJDK runtime instead of the Oracle Java runtime.

  • If you are running Datical DB version 6.9 or lower, please use the full install process for 7.3 (NOT an upgrade/update process).
  • If you are running Datical DB version 6.10 or higher, you can use whichever process you prefer for 7.3 (full install or upgrade/update).

Documentation for v7.3

Documentation for the base release is available in the following forms:

Datical DB

SoftwareCOMMON/Datical_DB_Software/Datical_DB_7.3.6587Choose the Linux or Windows installation file for your system. 
Datical DB DocumentationCOMMON/Datical_Documentation/Datical_DB_Documentationdatical_db_docs_v7.3.pdf
Composite Installation RepositoryCOMMON/Datical_DB_Software/Datical_DB_7.3.6587DaticalDbCompositeRepo-7.3.6587.zip

Datical Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC)

DMC DocumentationOnline @ dmc.datical.com<N/A>

Deployment Monitoring Console Update Instructions

To upgrade from version 6.17 or earlier of Datical Service, consult the DMC Upgrade Guide

The process to update the Deployment Monitoring Console from version 7.0 or later to 7.3 is very similar to the installation process. Consult the instructions below.

 Expand for DMC update instructions
  1. Navigate to software.datical.com, download and copy the datical-service-unix-7_3_159-master.sh file to your existing DMC server
  2. Run the installer with the following command and enter your existing OS user as the admin user and admin group:

    /home/datical> sudo bash /datical-service-unix-7_3_159-master.sh
  3. When prompted for an install location, enter the directory of the previous DMC installation

  4. The installer will update your installation and restart effected DMC services.  You can begin using the new version of the DMC immediately.

New Features in v7.3

Configurable whitelist of Oracle errors during restore phase of the Deployment Packager

The Deploy Packager will fail if it detects any errors during the Restore phase, which reverts the Reference DB to its last known good state.  Many times in Oracle environments, errors will be generated during restore that won't negatively impact Packaging activity.  We have provided a new setting in the deployPackager.properties file that will let you list the Oracle error codes that can be safely ignored during the restore phase.

Property NameoracleRestoreErrorWhitelist
Property Description

A comma separated list of Oracle error codes to be ignored when evaluating impdp output for errors.  During an Oracle restore that uses local expdp / impdp clients OR the DATAPUMP API on the server, error messages are compared to the white-list

  • If any errors are found that do not exist in the white-list restore fails

  • If the only errors found do exist in the white-list, restore completes successfully



Enhanced commands to clean up your database environment after terminated Deploy & Deploy Packager operations

At the end of every Deploy and Deploy Packager operation Datical performs tasks to ensure that the environment is prepared for future use. When a Deploy or Deploy Packager job is prematurely terminated due to user intervention or a catastrophic failure, the operating environment can be left in a state that prevents the subsequent execution of jobs.  The conditions that can block future jobs are:

  • DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table left in locked state.  This lock is used to ensure one client is updating a database at a time to prevent concurrent operations from colliding with one another.
  • DATICAL_SPERRORLOG  table left in locked state (Oracle environments only. This table is used to capture error messages for reporting purposes during the execution of sqlplus scripts.
  • REFDB is not restored to a working configuration. If a Deploy Packager job is terminated, the Reference Database may not be reverted to a working or expected state.  This could cause failures or unpredictable results in future Deploy Packager jobs. 

To assist users in cleaning up these conditions Datical has provided the following utilities:

releaseLocks command will clean up the DATICAL_SPERRORLOG table in addition to unlocking the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table

The releaseLocks command can be used to unlock the locked DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK. It will now also look for and drop the DATICAL_SPERRORLOG if it detects that the target database is Oracle.  If it is unable to perform either task an informative error will be displayed.  Click here for more information on the releaseLocks command.

Deploy Packager now includes a cleanup mode that will run the releaseLocks command and restore the Reference Database

The Deploy Packager's cleanup mode takes care of all three conditions that can block future operations.  Below is an example of running Deploy Packager in cleanup mode.

/home/datical/<MyBlockedProject>/hammer groovy deployPackager.groovy pipeline=mypipeline cleanup 

For more information check out the Deploy Packager Documentation

Recent Additions to the Datical DB Product Line

Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) 

With the 7.0 release Datical included a new, lightweight web-based Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) that provides status and reporting information for all of your Datical projects through a browser.  The new DMC is a simpler replacement for Datical Service that is much easier to install, manage and use. 

To get started with DMC check out the following documentation resources:

Issues Addressed

Datical DB Issues

Issue IDDescription
DAT-4516Forecast is Executing non-DML sql_direct SqlPlus Scripts when dmlForecast=true

Add New Packager Cleanup Option

How To: Use ReleaseLocks Command and Packager with Cleanup Option

CLI - Deployment Packager


Make releaseLocks command production ready

How To: Remove lock from DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table?

CLI Commands#releaseLocks


Packager with convert packageMethod throws 'ERROR: type modifier is not allowed for type "_int4"' for postgres array type field int[]


Allow Management of Manual Interruptions to Packaging & Deploy Operations

How To: Use ReleaseLocks Command and Packager with Cleanup Option

CLI - Deployment Packager

How To: Remove lock from DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table?

CLI Commands#releaseLocks

DAT-4167CX :: GUI :: There is only one attempt to enter a valid AuditDB password
DAT-4166CX :: GUI :: Mixed Delayed Credentials do not work with AuditDB
DAT-4027GUI: Snapshot breaks Runtime Credentials
DAT-3841multiCatalog="true" when you have Oracle dbDefs should throw an error that more closely indicates it is a settings mismatch

Ability to specify which ORA- errors to be handled as warning only (instead of failing packager) 

Use the Required deployPackager.properties File

Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) Issues

Issue IDDescription

Render reports in DMC instead of downloading them

DAT-4424PHX - Inconsistent navigation if no known operation in an environment

Documentation Spaces for Older Releases

See Customer Success Resources in the Releases with Doc Spaces section for a list of spaces available for older releases (prior to 6.7). 

Related content

How To: Remove lock from DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table?
How To: Remove lock from DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table?
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