Liquibase Enterprise 8.2.7595 Release Notes

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Liquibase Enterprise 8.2.7595 Release Notes

The driver installation logic issue that occurred in Liquibase Enterprise 8.2 is resolved. All drivers install as expected in Liquibase Enterprise 8.2.7595. Find the latest download at the link below.

Software Downloads

Go to Liquibase Software Updates  to download files.


DB2 on zOS and LUW in v8.2.7595

Liquibase Enterprise is now compatible with DB2 on zOS and LUW starting in version 8.2.7595. It is important to note that new documentation on these topics is available at the links below.
Packaging with DB2 on zOS
DB2 on zOS Roles and Permissions for Liquibase Enterprise
JDBC Driver Installation for DB2 on z/OS
Roles and Permissions for Liquibase Enterprise on DB2 LUW

Notable Changes

Liquibase Enterprise: Supported Databases

We have expanded the databases supported by Liquibase Enterprise including:

PostgreSQL Community v14
PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS v14
EDB Postgres v13
Azure Database for PostgreSQL (single server type) v11
DB2 on z/OS v12.1.15

Find all supported database documentation at the link below.
Hardware, Software, and Database Requirements

Associated Tickets: DAT-11700, DAT-12384, DAT-10482, DAT-10226

Desktop Client and CLI Updates and Issues Addressed

Issue ID



multiSubnetFailover is available to use with SQLServer. It allows you to connect to the availability group listener of a SQL Server availability group or a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance.


DB2 on zOS is supported by Liquibase Enterprise


Postgres Docker & Postgres RDS 14 are certified with Liquibase Enterprise


Postgres EDB 13 are supported by Liquibase Enterprise


Azure Database is certified for PostgreSQL v11 with Liquibase Enterprise.


PSQL invalid port number error with Postgres Azure is resolved.


Azure Postgres : Autogenerated snapshots that appeared in single and multi schema, if connected to public schema, now appear blank or contain content generated by Liquibase prior to running snapshot.


Postgres: Setting the schemaName in the metadata.properties file for Postgres (non-EDB) resulted in incorrect ALTER SESSION syntax with sqlfile packageMethod. This has been resolved and packaging succeeds as expected.


liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: function inventory_in_stock(integer) does not exist error message no longer occurs during deployment


Stack Trace is suppressed during logs for DMC connection issues when executing a rollback action.


Valid MSSQL trigger displays correctly in the Deploy Report.


The DB2 database driver for DB2 on zOS and DB2 LUW is updated to version 1.0.52.


Oracle Flashback is available to use with Liquibase Enterprise. This improves the restore performance.


Both CLI and GUI drivers can be installed simultaneously with the hammer installDrivers command.


table_statistics and index_statistics are excluded by the BackupRestoreOracleExpdp class.

DMC Issues Addressed

Issue ID



Disabled users no longer appear on the Project Settings page even if they are assigned to a project.


There is no longer a delay in Groups displaying on the User Settings page when a user is deleted from any group.


You can add a project to a user from the User Settings page even when this user also belongs to a group that already has permissions to view this project.


If a project is viewable only by a Group, you cannot select it on the User Settings Page. There is a tooltip available on the visible project that explains if the project is viewable by a group only


The redundant Actions button was removed from the General Settings page.


The column size in the tables in DMC can be resized however necessary for your project.


The troubleshoot command recognizes certificates signed by non-standard signers.

Documentation for v8.2.7595

Documentation is available in the following locations:

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Desktop & CLI)









Choose the Linux or Windows installation file for your system

Composite Installation Repository



Liquibase Enterprise Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC)










Starting with release 7.0, Liquibase includes a web-based Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) that provides a centralized location to view a pipeline status and reporting information for all your Liquibase Business & Enterprise projects.

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Datical DB) and DMC Compatibility

Each DMC release only works with certain releases of Liquibase Enterprise Desktop. Consult the Deployment Monitoring Console Compatibility Matrix to ensure compatibility.


DMC Update Instructions

The process of updating the Deployment Monitoring Console from version 7.0 or later to the latest version is similar to the installation process.

  1. Go to Liquibase Software Updates , download and copy the datical-service-unix-8_1_317-master.sh file to your existing DMC server.

  2. Run the installer with the following command and enter your existing OS user as the admin user and admin group:

/home/datical> sudo bash /datical-service-unix-8_1_317-master.sh
  1. Enter the directory of the previous DMC installation when prompted for an install location.

The installer will update your installation and restart affected DMC services. You can begin using the new version of the DMC immediately.



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