Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.
Abandoning and Restoring a Changeset: ignore and unignore
Types of Changes Eligible for Ignore and Unignore Scripts
Ignore and Unignore scripts work for different types "non-rerunnable" changes:
- DDL folder or packageMethod=CONVERT
- DDL_DIRECT folder or packageMethod=DDL_DIRECT
- DATA_DML folder or packageMethod=DATA_DML
- SQL_DIRECT folder or packageMethod=DIRECT
- SQL folder or packageMethod=SQLFILE
- Liquibase changelogs
Ignore and/or Unignore are NOT recommended for stored logic (code: package, packagebody, procedure, function, trigger, view folders). Use the provided versioning capability with stored logic instead.
Ignoring Changesets
To prevent a changeset from being deployed, add a blank (zero-length) "ignore" file to the directory.
For a file named mychanges.sql
, name the "ignore" file using one of the following forms:
Restoring Changesets
To restore a previously abandoned changeset, add a blank (zero-length) "unignore" file to the directory.
For a file named mychanges.sql
, name the "unignore" file using one of the following forms:
When Deployment Packager processes the files during packaging,
Packaging stops with an error if the following condition is found:
- The "ignore" or "unignore" file is not zero length (blank).
When the condition is passed, Deployment Packager does the following:
- Searches the changelog for matching changesets. Processing stops if there are no matching changesets in the changelog. Changesets must match these attributes.
- datical:origFilePath
- datical:origFileName
- Highest datical:version number
- Sets the ignore attribute on all matching changesets.
- For "ignore," ignore=true.
- For "unignore," the ignore= attribute is removed.
- Archives the "ignore" or "unignore" file.
- For a file set to "unignore," if a matching file already exists in the archive directory, then replace it.
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