Path and File Attributes for Changesets

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Path and File Attributes for Changesets

The capability to manage files relies on the following changeset attributes, which are added to changesets during packaging:

  • datical:origFilePath
  • datical:origFileName

Path in SCM Mode

When working with Deployment Manager and SQL scripts in a source code repository, the following properties in deployPackager.properties are used to calculate datical:origFilePath.

  • sqlScmPath - datical:origFilePath is a relative path calculated from this directory. 

Example in SCM Mode

The deployPackager.properties settings are compared to the absolute path of the SQL script source files to produce the datical:origFilePath and datical:origFileName changeset attributes. 

sqlScmSQLBaseDir=Datical SQL

SQL Script Source Files
C:\apps\Jenkins\DaticalJobs\workspace\sql\Datical SQL\ddl\SchemaA\CreateTEST1.sql
C:\apps\Jenkins\DaticalJobs\workspace\sql\Datical SQL\data_dml\SchemaA\InsertIntoTEST1.sql

Changeset Attributes
<changeSet datical:origFilePath="ddl/SchemaA" datical:origFilename="CreateTEST1.sql" .../>
<changeSet datical:origFilePath="data_dml/SchemaA" datical:origFilename="InsertIntoTEST1.sql" .../>

Path in Manifest Mode

When using Deployment Packager in manifest mode, datical:origFilePath is calculated as follows:

  • If sqlScmPath is set in deployPackager.properties, then datical:origFilePath is a relative path calculated from this directory. 
  • If sqlScmPath is not set, then datical:origFilePath is an absolute path to the directory containing the SQL script. 

Examples in Manifest Mode

Given the setup for deployPackager.properties and SQL Script Source Files above,  the following changesets would be produced. 

Changeset Attributes with sqlScmPath="..\..\sql"
<changeSet datical:origFilePath="ddl/SchemaA" datical:origFileName="CreateTEST1.sql" .../>
<changeSet datical:origFilePath="data_dml/SchemaA" datical:origFileName="InsertIntoTEST1.sql" .../>
Changeset Attributes with sqlScmPath not set
<changeSet datical:origFilePath="/apps/Jenkins/DaticalJobs/workspace/sql/Datical SQL/ddl/SchemaA" datical:origFileName="CreateTEST1.sql" .../>
<changeSet datical:origFilePath="/apps/Jenkins/DaticalJobs/workspace/sql/Datical SQL/data_dml/SchemaA" datical:origFileName="InsertIntoTEST1.sql" .../>

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