Install and Manage Licenses

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Install and Manage Licenses

This guide describes the best practices for installing a license key via the GUI and the CLI. Learn how below.

We recommend uninstalling old licenses before installing a new one. A user will not see a new license installed if it is still installed for a previous user. They will not see the new license installed until the original user uninstalls their license OR their license expires in less than 30 days in Liquibase Enterprise 8.8+.

The CLI and GUI search for licenses in a particular order. 

If you do not have an installed license and run a command that requires a license, Liquibase automatically looks for a license file in the order specified below. If Liquibase finds different licenses in any location, the last one found will override any that were found before it.

For example, if you are in the CLI and a license is found at the DATDB_LICENSE env variable location and at the INSTALLATION_FOLDER/repl folder, the  INSTALLATION_FOLDER/repl file will be installed by Liquibase.

CLI license search order

  1. DATDB_LICENSE env variable

  2. INSTALLATION_FOLDER/repl folder (This is where the repl directory of your installation is located.)

  3. INSTALLATION_FOLDER/repl/enterprise-license folder Available in Liquibase Enterprise 8.3+

GUI license search order

  1. DATDB_LICENSE env variable

  2. INSTALLATION_FOLDER folder (This is where the Liquibase Enterprise GUI is installed.)

  3. WORKSPACE_FOLDER where the project is placed

  4. INSTALLATION_FOLDER/repl/enterprise-license folder Available in Liquibase Enterprise 8.3+

Display license and license properties in the GUI

Follow these steps to find your license and license properties. The license properties include the license key install date, expiration date, and more details about the license.

  1. Open the Liquibase Enterprise GUI application.
  2. Select File > License Manager in the top left corner
  3. Select the type of license you have and click OK.
  4. In the popup dialog, select Display the installed license key and click Next.
  5. Your license properties will appear successfully.
  6. Click Finish to exit the dialog.

Manage and Install a license key in the GUI

Follow these steps to install a license successfully within the GUI. Windows supports all GUI options. If you are on a Linux machine, please use the CLI process below.

Uninstall a license in the GUI

Follow these steps to uninstall your license.

  1. Open the Liquibase Enterprise GUI application.
  2. Click File in top left corner.
  3. Click License Manager.
  4. Select the type of license you have and click OK.
  5. In the popup dialog, select Uninstall the installed license key and click Next.

  6. Click Uninstall license key.
  7. Click Finish to close the license management dialog.
    The license is successfully uninstalled.

Install the license

The previous steps should be executed again for each user that utilizes the same license.
  1. Obtain a license file from Support and place it on the system where you are running an instance of Liquibase Enterprise.
  2. Open the Liquibase Enterprise GUI application.
    If Liquibase does not have a license installed upon startup, a warning dialog will appear. License installation is required to connect a database.
    Click OK to dismiss the warning and begin the installation process within the GUI.

  3. Within the GUI, select File > License Manager in the top left corner.
  4. Select the type of license you have and click OK.
  5. In the popup dialog, select (Re-)Install a license key and click Next.
  6. Select the license from your files and click Install License Key. Click Next.
  7. Your license properties will appear.
  8. Click Finish to finish the installation process.
    The license is successfully installed.
The Install steps should be executed again for each user that utilizes the same license.

Workaround for multiple users:

 If it is not possible to do so, you can place the license file into one of the following folders to install the license via the GUI.

  • <install_folder> (LiquibaseDesktop/DaticalDB)
  • enterprise folder - where projects are stored
  • path to <folder>/<license_file> where DATDB_LICENSE env var is pointing

Manage and Install a license with the command line (CLI)

If you have the repl subdirectory of your installation on your path, you can run these hammer commands from any directory. Or if you don't have it in your path, then you need to be in your "< Installation>/repl" directory to run these commands from the command line.

Display license and license properties in the CLI

    1. Find the location of your license file.
    2. Within the CLI, run the following command to display the license and license properties:

hammer show license

Uninstall all older licenses

    1. Before installing your new license, you must uninstall all older licenses from the CLI:

hammer uninstallLicense

The uninstall command will uninstall all of your licenses.

It is important to note that if the same license is used by different users, the uninstall steps should be executed again for each desired user.

Install License

    1. Find the location of your license files.
    2. Run the following command to install your new license:

hammer installLicense <path_to_license_file>

For example:

hammer installLicense /opt/datical/license/<CompanyName>-<ExpirationDate>.lic
The license details will display in the terminal window.

It is important to note that if the same license is used by different users, the install steps should be executed again for each desired user.

Workaround for multiple users: 

If it is not possible to do so, you can place the license file into one of the following folders to install the license via the CLI.

  • <install_directory>/repl folder
  • Path to <folder>/<license_file> where DATDB_LICENSE env var is pointing
  • Set up an automation job to install the license via the CLI 

The license is installed successfully.


If you install a new license and you only have access to run CI/DC automation, you may see a license expired error. If this occurs, you can copy the license into the <install_directory>/repl folder or set up an automation job to install the license via the CLI.

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