Liquibase Enterprise v7.15 - Release Notes

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Liquibase Enterprise v7.15 - Release Notes

Table of Contents

Software Downloads

Go to https://software.datical.com to download files. See details for the release below. 

Known Issues

Version 0 of stored logic objects is displayed in the DMC status view

In release 7.14 and higher, we discovered that version 0 changesets for stored logic objects were being displayed in the DMC status view. These changesets are only used for rollback operations and should not be included in the status view. Liquibase Enterprise & Business will include the fix in future releases. (DAT-8320)

Limited Forecast doesn’t include autoSynonymForObjects change set schemas in profiling

In release 7.13 and higher, when using Limited Forecast in Oracle multi-schema projects, if you use Auto Synonyms you may get errors about the schema targeted by an autoSynonym change being for a schema that cannot be managed, even though that schema is included in the project definition (DAT-8757). If you encounter these errors with 7.15, the workaround is to use Full Forecast instead of Limited Forecast.

Missing SSH Preferences in Liquibase Enterprise & Business GUI

After upgrading Datical DB to later versions, you might have issues with the SSH feature being unavailable to generate the SSH key via the Eclipse GUI. To return SSH in Preferences, follow these steps:

  1. In the Datical DB GUI, select Help > Install New Software.

  2. In the Work with field of the Install dialog box, enter https://download.eclipse.org/releases/2018-12.

  3. Select Git integration for Eclipse, and then select Next to install it.

  4. Open Preferences. You should see SSH2 under Network Connections.

Liquibase Enterprise & Business cannot pick up SQLPATH environment variable on Windows

In release 7.6 and higher, we updated the version of instantclient, which provides SQLPLUS This version of SQLPLUS contains a bug: SQL PLUS 12.2 NOT OBSERVING SQLPATH IN REGISTRY OR ENV VARIABLE FOR LOGIN.SQL. As a workaround, you can use SQLPLUS 12.1 on Windows. (DAT-7598)

Documentation for v7.15

Documentation for the base release is available in the following forms:

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Datical DB)









Choose the Linux or Windows installation file for your system

Liquibase Enterprise Documentation



Composite Installation Repository



Liquibase Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC)

Starting with release 7.0, Liquibase includes a web-based Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) that provides a centralized location to view a pipeline status and reporting information for all your Liquibase Business & Enterprise projects.

To get started with DMC, check out the following documentation resources:

Deployment Monitoring Console Software and Documentation

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Datical DB) and DMC Compatibility

Each DMC release only works with certain releases of Liquibase Enterprise & Business Clients (Datical DB). Consult the Datical DB and Deployment Monitoring Console Compatibility Matrix to ensure compatibility.










DMC Documentation

Online @ dmc.datical.com


Deployment Monitoring Console Update Instructions

The process of updating the Deployment Monitoring Console from version 7.0 or later to the latest version is similar to the installation process.

  1. Go to software.datical.com, download and copy the datical-service-unix-7.15.238-master.sh file to your existing DMC server.

  2. Run the installer with the following command and enter your existing OS user as the admin user and admin group:

/home/datical> sudo bash /datical-service-unix-7.15.238-master.sh

3. Enter the directory of the previous DMC installation when prompted for an install location.

The installer will update your installation and restart affected DMC services. You can begin using the new version of the DMC immediately.

Notable Changes

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Support for PostgreSQL 12 and PostgreSQL 13

Managing PostgreSQL 12 & PostgreSQL 13 with Liquibase Enterprise

Starting with version 7.15, Liquibase Enterprise & Business includes support for PostgreSQL 12 and PostgreSQL 13 in all product capabilities and workflows.

Upgrading DMC DB from PostgreSQL 10 to PostgreSQL 13

In version 7.15 and later, you can use PostgreSQL 13 for the DMC DB.

PostgreSQL 13 introduces security and performance enhancements that provide a safer, more stable, and more secure DMC experience. Thus, the embedded database has been updated to PostgreSQL 13. It is also recommended that you upgrade existing DMC DB instances from PostgreSQL 10 to PostgreSQL 13. While PostgreSQL 10 is still supported for use as a DMC DB, support for PostgreSQL 10 will end sometime after November 10, 2022.

To upgrade your PostgreSQL database from version 10 to 13, see Upgrading DMC DB to Newer PostgreSQL Versions.

Issue ID


Issue ID



Extended Datical DB and DMC support to the newer versions of PostgreSQL – versions 12 and 13


Upgraded the embedded database included with DMC to PostgreSQL 13


Added support for DMC DB upgrade to PostgreSQL 13 in demo mode


Added support for DMC DB upgrade to PostgreSQL 13 in production mode


Fixed the column c.relhasoids does not exist issue for PostgreSQL 12 and PostgreSQL 13


Added the conditional snapshot logic for the PostgreSQL 12 and PostgreSQL 13 storage options handler


Implemented the logic to fail forecast when the WITH/WITHOUT OIDS extension is detected in the createTable change for PostgreSQL 12 and PostgreSQL 13

A new ddl_direct package method and ddl_direct fixed folder name for processing SQLDirect scripts with DDL statements

The ddl_direct package method allows you to have more control over the processing order of scripts. Scripts that were previously packaged from the sql_direct fixed folder or by using the DIRECT package method, could now use the new ddl_direct instead if the scripts contain DDL statements. This is so the ddl_direct scripts with DDL statements will be run before scripts with data changes or stored logic changes that may rely on those DDL changes.

You can use ddl_direct as follows:

  • A ddl_direct fixed folder name

  • A ddl_direct package method set for any other folder. You can set it using the metadata.properties file in a flexible folder where you want to use it: packageMethod=ddl_direct

An example of the new processing order for fixed folders: ddl, ddl_direct, view, function, procedure, package, packageBody, trigger, sql, sql_direct, data_dml.

An example of the new processing order for flexible folders where packageMethod is defined in metadata.properties: convert, ddl_direct, storedlogic, sqlfile, direct, data_dml.

You can create a new ddl_direct folder, OR you configure your existing ddl folder to use the ddl_direct packaging method.

Issue ID


Issue ID



Added the ddl_direct package method to Packager to process SQLDirect scripts with DDL statements in the appropriate order


Added the ddl_direct support for the manifest packaging

Issues Addressed

Liquibase Enterprise & Business Issues

Issue ID


Issue ID



Fixed a changelog issue with the restore during packaging. In version 7.15, if restore fails with the CONVERT package method, the changelog no longer unexpectedly includes the new changesets (now they are reverted as expected).


Fixed an issue with Limited Forecast when Profiler does not profile all schemas impacted by deployment.
From now on, if you have changesets where you specify a schema name using other than the schemaName attribute, the schema is profiled and Limited Forecast predicts all changes.


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