Activating Your Liquibase Business/Datical Accounts

Activating Your Liquibase Business/Datical Accounts

Liquibase Business was formerly known as Datical DB.

Activation Notice through Email

Your access is set up when your company purchases Liquibase Business.

Confluence Documentation

Documentation is maintained on a Confluence site.  The following spaces are starting points for Liquibase/Datical documentation:

Activating the Account for Software Downloads

Software downloads are maintained on software.datical.com. 

Datical Support emails you an invitation to set up and activate the account. 

  1. Click the link in the email.

  2. Enter and confirm a password, then click SUBMIT

    Please note the password guidelines on this page.

  3. When the password meets the guidelines, your account is activated. Click the here link to log in and access the Datical site. 

Accessing the Software Download Site

  1. In a browser, go to https://software.datical.com. Log in. 

  1. Open FOLDERS, then COMMON. 

  2. There are folders for Datical software. The key folders are these:
    • Datical_DB_Software - downloads for the GUI and CLI client used by Liquibase Business and Liquibase Enterprise/Datical DB
    • Datical_DMC_Software - downloads for DMC

  3. If you are ready to download software, go to Downloading the Liquibase Business Installer
    • Otherwise, look around. Log out when you are done. 

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