Troubleshooting: Liquibase Enterprise GUI on Windows 10 hangs on the splash screen and takes a couple of minutes to load


Datical GUI hangs on the splash screen and takes a couple of minutes to load. This can occur when Windows Defender on Windows 10 runs a background scan on the Datical GUI during application startup.

To see if you have the same issue, open Task Manager when launching Datical and look for the "Antimalware Service Executable" running as a background task


Excluding the Datical installation directory from the Windows Defender check on Windows 10 significantly boosts performance, particularly when starting Datical.

  1. Go to Start -> Windows Defender Settings
  2. Select Virus & threat protection
  3. Select Virus & thread protection settings
  4. Select Add or remove exclusions
  5. Add a folder containing your Datical installs & workspaces. In my case everything is in C:\Datical

Before: Load time without Datical GUI excluded is about 2m 15s

After: Load time with Datical GUI excluded is less than 10s

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