Troubleshooting: Liquibase Enterprise GUI Error: "datical.liquibase.appdba.db2.client is not set, cannot run <clpplus> change type" on DB2


After clicking the “Status” or “Pipeline Status” button in the Liquibase Enterprise Windows GUI, the following error appears when using DB2 and clpplus based changesets:
Status returned error for database 'XXXXX'.

Failed to get Liquibase Change Set Statuses Validation Failed:
1 changes have validation failures datical.liquibase.appdba.db2.client is not set, cannot run <clpplus> change type., Changelog/changelog.xml::20230502121734904_good:: [ChangesetAutorID]

Below is a screenshot of this error:

This is due to the clpplus interpreter being unavailable in the users’s PATH.


  1. If clpplus is not installed and executable from the machine where the Windows GUI is installed, dowload and install it.

  2. Add the path to the clpplus executable to the system path variable:

    1. Open the Windows Control Panel

    2. Navigate to the System and Security panel

    3. Select the System Control Panel

    4. Click Advanced system settings

    5. Click the Environment Variables… button

    6. In the System Variables section at the bottom, scroll to the PATH entry and double click it to open the edit dialog.

    7. To the existing value in the PATH variable, append the full path to the directory where clpplus resides.

    8. Close all of the control panel windows

    9. Quit the Datical GUI

    10. Log off and log back in

    11. Restart the Datical GUI and verify that the error message no longer appears when clicking the “Status” or “Pipeline Status” button.

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