4. Onboard & Manage Database Changes using Changeset Wizard
There are four videos on this page:
Overview of Adding a Script & Deploying it Through The Pipeline
The following video takes you through the process of adding a script to an SQL Server project and promoting it to downstream environments. Highlights of this video include an overview of Changeset settings used to control where and when a Changeset is executed; examples of Liquibase Deploy reports and logs; and an introduction to the Liquibase Business status capabilities.
ChangeSet Types to use with Version 7.9 and higher
For Oracle use “Execute with sqlplus for Oracle Databases”
For SQL Server use “Execute with sqlcmd for Microsoft SQL Server & Azure SQL Databases” (sqlcmd needs to be installed and pointed to by PATH environment variable)
For Azure SQL use “Execute with sqlcmd for Microsoft SQL Server & Azure SQL Databases” (sqlcmd needs to be installed and pointed to by PATH environment variable)
For DB2 (non-SSL) use “Execute with clpplus for DB2 Databases"(clpplus needs to be installed and pointed to by PATH environment variable)
For DB2 (with SSL) use “Execute a SQL script file using JDBC”
For PostgreSQL use “Execute with psql for Postgres Databases” (psql needs to be installed and pointed to by PATH environment variable)
For EnterpriseDB (non-SSL) use “Execute with edbplus for EnterpriseDB databases”
For EnterpriseDB (with SSL) use “Execute a SQL script file using JDBC”
ChangeSet Types to use with Version 7.8 and lower
For Oracle use “Execute with SQLPlus” in the “Oracle Utilities” section of the Changeset Wizard
For SQL Server use “Execute with SQLCMD” in the “Other” section of the Changeset Wizard (sqlcmd needs to be installed and pointed to by PATH environment variable)
For DB2 use “Execute with CLPPlus” in the “Other” section of the Changeset Wizard (clpplus needs to be installed and pointed to by PATH environment variable)
For PostgreSQL use “Execute with psql” in the “Other” section of the Changeset Wizard (psql needs to be installed and pointed to by PATH environment variable)
For EnterpriseDB use “Custom SQL (External File)” in the “Other” section of the Changeset Wizard
Video about Adding a Script & Deploying it Through The Pipeline
Learn How Liquibase Supports Your Custom Rollback Scripts for Each Change
Learn How to Control Where Scripts are Deployed by Using Labels & Contexts
Learn More About Other Settings in the Change Set Wizard
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