Installing the DB2 Database Client

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Installing the DB2 Database Client

DB2 Client Install for Agents using CLI

  1. Locate and Install DB2 utility "IBM Data Server Runtime Client" from the IBM Support area. See Client Packages or https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/download-initial-version-115-clients-and-drivers

    1. Unzip the package:
      gunzip ./v11.5.4_linuxx64_rtcl.tar.gz

    2. Untar the package:
      tar -xvf ./v11.5.4_linuxx64_rtcl.tar

    3. Change directories into the rtcl directory:
      cd rtcl

    4. Execute db2_install as root:
      sudo ./db2_install -f sysreq

    5. Execute db2_install as the agent user:

    6. Source the newly created db2profile in the agent user’s $HOME/sqllib directory:
      . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile source

    7. Verify the db2 environment variables are set for the user:
      env | grep -i db2

    8. Test installation by executing db2. The db2 command line program should load:
      (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2007

      Command Line Processor for DB2 Client


      For more detailed help, refer to the Online Reference Manual.

    9. Type quit to exit the db2 client

      db2 => quit

      DB20000I  The QUIT command completed successfully.

    10. Installation is complete

DB2 Client Install with Local DB2 Instance using Installer GUI

  1. Ensure db2 is installed. Ensure that the installation directory is in the PATH.

  2. Locate and Install DB2 utility "IBM Data Server Runtime Client" from the IBM Support area. See Client Packages or https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/download-initial-version-115-clients-and-drivers

    1. Untar the download file: tar zxvf <tar_file>

    2. Run setup:

      1. cd <untar_dir>

      2. ./db2setup (may need to update OS libraries by running "yum update")

  3. Verify db2 client setup

    • At the command prompt, run:

      db2 ?

On success
Db2 displays the version number of the db2 client

On error
SQL10007N Message "-1390" could not be retrieved. Reason code: "3"

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