Command Options

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Command Options

Many of the options are generally applicable to many commands. Some options have both a short form and a long form – for example, the long form of the assignContexts option is --assignContexts (two hyphens), but you can also use the short form -ac (one hyphen).

To get help on general options, run this command:

hammer help options

Options are used in a hammer command:

usage: hammer [<hammer-option>] <command-name> <option>

If option arguments contain spaces, they must be enclosed in quotes:

hammer modifyChangeSet --action=ADD label=history --searchLabels="(cliLabel1 AND cliLabel2) AND (dbdefLabel1 OR dbdefLabel2 OR dbdefLabel3)"
(short, long)

Action to take, one of:

  • ADD
Specifies the action to take in the modifyChangeSet command.

--assignContexts <arg>

Complex context expression. 

Assign the given contexts to changesets generated by diffChangelog command. Accepts a complex context expression.
default: null

--assignLabels <arg>
Comma-separated list of labels

Assign the given labels to changesets generated by diffChangelog command. Accepts a comma separated list of labels.
default: null

File nameAssign metadata file name.
Label nameLabel name for assign metadata.


Context nameContext to use for operation
default: <all contexts>
-D <property=value>Java property assignmentSet a Java system property


One of:

  • stopOnError
  • stopOnWarn
  • alwaysDeploy

Deployment threshold setting

<arg> is one of stopOnError, stopOnWarn, alwaysDeploy

default: stopOnError

--daticalServerCluster name

The cluster name set for Datical Service. The cluster name is set during Datical Service installation. 

--daticalUsernameUser nameUser name, must be configured in Datical Service. Use the DATICAL_PASSWORD environment variable to provide the password. 


One of:

  • full
  • quick

Overrides the deployMode project setting. 

  • full - performs rules validation and runs a forecast before deploying the changes, subject to limitForecast.
  • quick - deploys the changes (no rules valildation or forecast)
true | false

Use external stored logic
default: true



List of stored logic objectsList of stored logic objects to exclude from a snapshot.
Values can be none (the default), all, or a comma-separated list of these values: procedure, package, packagebody, function, trigger, view.
noneWhen used with deploy, forces deploy even if not all operations can be rolled back. When used with versionChangeLog, forces XML
header validation
default: <off>
--format <arg>

One of:

  • dbobject
  • changelog
Format of the database snapshot. 
default: dbobject
noneGenerate SQL for changes
default: <off>
noneGenerate rollback SQL for changes
default: <off>
--includeStorageOptions <arg>
true | false

Include storage options
default: false

--immutableProjecttrue | falseDatical Service use: When set to true, running deploy or forecast uses the local project files (datical.project file and directories). It overrides the default behavior of downloading the project files from Datical Service. This is helpful in automated environments where project files are stored in artifact repositories. 
--invalidsCheck <arg>

One of:

  • disabled
  • local
  • global

Validate stored logic
default: disabled

--drivers <arg>
List of jar files or directory containing jar filesDriver jars or directory containing jars.
--log <arg>

Absolute or relative path to directory location for logs & reports for the operation
default: <project directory>/Reports

DEPRECATED: Please use the -r --report option instead

--labels <arg>
Comma-separated list of labels

Label to use for operation
default: <all labels>

--lookupChangesets <arg>

Label expression to use for change set lookup

Note that label expressions must be enclosed in quotes when used as CLI parameter options.  For example,

--lookupChangesets="(cliLabel1 AND cliLabel2) AND (dbdefLabel1 OR dbdefLabel2 OR dbdefLabel3)"

--limit <arg>
NumberControls the number of changesets listed in each section of the statusDetails output.
true | false

Overrides the limitForecast project setting. 

  • true - limit object profiling to those directly affected by the forecast 
  • false - profile all objects in the target database
--matchAll <arg>
noneAll script chucksums must match for change set lookup.
--mergeLabels <arg>

One of: 

  • override
  • merge
  • append
Specifies how to combine the labels that are specified in the Step with the labels that are specified on the command line.
  • override: labels specified on the command line replace the labels specified in the step.
  • merge: labels specified on the command line are combined with the labels in the step with an AND clause: (commandLineLabelExpression) AND (StepLabelExpression)
  • append: labels specified on the command line are combined with the labels in the Step with an OR clause: (commandLineLabelExpression) OR (StepLabelExpression)
--modifyContextsOne or a comma-separated list of context names

Specifies values to add or remove in the context changeset attribute, according to the --action parameter in the modifyChangeSet command.


Specifies the change to the ignore changeset attribute to make in the modifyChangeSet command.

  • If --action is ADD or ADDALL, then ignore is set to true
  • If --action is REMOVE or REMOVEALL, then ignore is set to false
--modifyLabelsOne or a comma-separated list of labels.

Specifies values to add or remove in the labels changeset attribute, according to the --action parameter in the modifyChangeSet command. 


Do not prompt for input.
default: prompt for input

--output <arg>
File or directorySpecifies the location of the output file. The semantics differ per command (diff, diffChangelog, snapshot)
--project <arg>
DirectoryProject directory
default: current working directory

--projectKey <projectRef>

Project key or nameProject to use, either a project name or project key as configured for the project in Datical Service.. Use for deploy, forecast, and status commands. Obtained from the Datical server after creating or importing a project. It is a unique ID and recommended over using the project name (–project) when working with Datical Serivce.
--pipeline <arg>
Pipeline namePipeline name to use for deploy, changelogSync, and rollback commands
--persistSnapshots <arg>
nonePersist (save) snapshots of live databases during diff.
-pw <databaseName:::password>PasswordPassword for the database username (-un). 


noneSend output to debug log only
--report <arg>

Absolute or relative path to directory location for reports & log for the operation.
Default: <project>/Reports

-rpw <password>
--targetPassword <password>

Password for the reference database user name

Required when the runtimeCredentials option is set.

-ru <username>
-referenceUsername <username>
User name

Reference database user name. Used only in two-credential commands (diff, diffChangeLog).

Required when the runtimeCredentials option is set.

--scriptChecksum <arg>
Checksum (number)Script checksum to use for addLabels and removeLabels commands.
--searchContextsOne or a comma-separated list of context namesSearch the contexts changeset attribute for the specified values in the modifyChangeSet command.
--searchIdsOne or a comma-separated list of changeset IDsSearch the id changeset attribute for the specified values. Use the GUI or hammer statusDetails to see a list of changeset IDs for a project. 
--searchIgnoretrue | false

Search the ignore changeset attribute in the modifyChangeSet command.

Note: Searches for a false value also return changesets where the ignore= changeset attribute is not set. 

--searchLabelsOne or a comma-separated list of labels or a label expression

Search the labels changeset attribute for the specified values in the modifyChangeSet command.

Note that label expressions must be enclosed in quotes when used as CLI parameter options.  For example,

--searchLabels="(cliLabel1 AND cliLabel2) AND (dbdefLabel1 OR dbdefLabel2 OR dbdefLabel3)"

--searchOrigFileNamesOne or a comma-separated list of filenamesSearch the origFileName changeset attribute for the specified values in the modifyChangeSet command.
--searchOrigFilePathsOne or a comma-separated list of file pathsSearch the origFilePath changeset attribute for the specified values in the modifyChangeSet command.
--searchVersionOne or a comma-separated list of versionsSearch the version changeset attribute for the specified values in the modifyChangeSet command.
--snapshotSchemaList <arg>
Comma-separated list of schema namesList of schemas to snapshot
--storageOptionsScope <arg>

One of:

  • all
  • lob
  • tablespace
  • tablespaceAndLob

Specifies the scope of storage information used for all steps/dbdefs in the project. 

You must also specify that storage information be used for the step/dbdef using the following command:

set dbprop <dbdef> enableStorageOptions true

-tpw <password>
--targetPassword <password>
PasswordPassword for the target database user name. 
-tu <username>
--targetUsername <username>
User name

Target database user name.

Required when the runtimeCredentials option is set.

-unUser name

Database user name. Required when the runtimeCredentials option is set.

Use -pw to specify the password for the database user. 

nonePrint version info.
--vmargsOne or a comma separated list of arguments for the Java Virtual Machine

This option allows you to configure aspects of the Java Virtual Machine in which Liquibase Enterprise is run.  Most often this is used to alter the amount of RAM that is allocated to the JVM process.

EXAMPLE: hammer deploy <dbDef> --vmargs -Xmx4096m 

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