Provide Runtime Credentials

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Provide Runtime Credentials

Overview: Using Runtime Credentials

If you do not want to store the database credentials, configure the project to use runtime credentials.  We recommend this option because it is more secure.


In the Settings tab, Credential Management section, check Specify database credentials at operation runtime.


Use the runtimeCredentials option. 

hammer set runtimeCredentials --force true


Manual changes to the datical.project file

If you do not use the GUI or cannot run the CLI command above, you can switch to Runtime Credentials by manually updating your datical.project file. Make the following adjustments:

  1. Set the runtimeCredentials value to true.

  2. Remove the username attributes and values from the datical.project file.

  3. Remove the password attribute and values from the datical.project file.

  4. Update the dbDef type atttribute values to be prefaced with DelayedCredential. Values should be updated as below:

    1. From xsi:type="dbproject:OracleDbDef" to xsi:type="dbproject:DelayedCredentialOracleDbDef"

    2. From xsi:type="dbproject:SqlServerDbDef" to xsi:type="dbproject:DelayedCredentialSqlServerDbDef"

    3. From xsi:type="dbproject:PostgresqlDbDef" to xsi:type="dbproject:DelayedCredentialPostgresqlDbDef"

    4. From xsi:type="dbproject:Db2DbDef" to xsi:type="dbproject:DelayedCredentialDb2DbDef"

Runtime Credential Precedence

When the runtime credentials option is set for a project, then during operations, Datical DB checks for where the credentials are specified. Credential locations are checked in the following order:

  1. Explicit credentials for an operation:

    • CLI - You specify credentials in command options

  2. Environment variables (CLI only)

  3. Prompting. If the credentials are not provided explicitly and the environment variable is not set, Datical DB displays a prompt for the user to enter the credentials. 

    • GUI - Prompt dialog

    • CLI - Prompt line

Explicit Credentials

If you provide credentials in command options at the CLI, those credentials are checked. 

If they fail, no further checking is done, and the command fails. 

Single-Credential Commands

The credential options use a space to separate the option and the value. Do not use "=". 





One of these forms:

-un <username>
-dbusername <username>

User name in one of the following forms:

  • <username>

  • <dbdefname>:::<username>

One of these forms:

-pw <password>
-dbpassword <password>

Password in one of the following forms:

  • <password>

  • <dbdefname>:::<password>

One of these forms for DMCDB username ( version 8.3 and later):
-dun <username>
-dmcusername <username>

User name in this form:

One of these forms for DMCDB password ( version 8.3 and later):
-dpw <password>
-dmcpassword <password>

Password in this form:

If you pass username and password (with -un and -pw options) in such format: -un <username> -pw <password>, they are going to be set as global credentials.

Example: Forecast Operation

If you want to specify both credentials for source database and DMC DB you should do so in the following format:

hammer forecast DEV -un DEV:::username -pw DEV:::password -dun dmcusername -dpw dmcpassword

DEV is the equivalent to the source database name.

Two-credential Commands

The diff and diffChangeLog commands require two database names as options. 

  • Reference database - Represents the desired state.

  • Target database - Represents a current state, which is to be measured against the desired state.

The credential options use a space to separate the option and the value. Do not use "=". 





-ru <username>
-referenceUsername <username>

Reference database user name 

-rpw <password>
-referencePassword <password>

Password for the reference database user name

-tu <username>
--targetUsername <username>

Target database user name 

-tpw <password>
--targetPassword <password>

Password for the target database user name

Example: Performing a Diff

In this example, TEST is the reference database (desired state) and DEV is the target database (measured against the desired state).

hammer diff TEST DEV -ru refDbUser -rpw refDbPass -tu targetUser -tpw targetPass

Environment Variables

When the project is set to use runtime credentials and you run an operation from the CLI, environment variables are checked. 

Set the following environment variables if you want to provide default credentials for CLI hammer commands:

Environment variables



Database credentials. Used for commands that operate on a single database: forecast, deploy, rollback, and package (deployPackager.groovy) operations.


Database credentials for an individual step (DbDef). Used only for groovy commands, including deployPackager.groovy


The per-DbDef environment variables are checked first. If they are not set, then DDB_USER and DDB_PASS are checked. 


Used with REFERENCE variables for commands that operate on two databases.

  • diff

  • diffchangelog


Used with TARGET variables for commands that operate on two databases.

  • diff

  • diffchangelog


Used to access the DMCDB database. Operations cause entries to be entered in the DMCDB database:

  • forecast

  • deploy

Prompts for Credentials

When you perform an action in the GUI, you will be prompted to provide credentials if Runtime credentials are required. (Either the project option is set or no credentials have been entered for a step.) 

You are prompted with a dialog:


See also video 9 about Database Credentials

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