Update an Existing Project

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Update an Existing Project

At times, you might need to rebuild a Datical project file. You do this when you want to add a new pipeline or to just correct an error in original project creation.

If you are using the project_creator.groovy script, updating the existing project is simple.

  1. Make the desired changes to the input files.
  2. Re-run the project_creator.groovy script, adding the replace option at the end of the command.

    % cd <datical_working_dir>/Project1
    % hammer groovy project_creator.groovy /home/test_user/datical/drivers/jdbc_drivers /datical/provisioning_files /home/test_user/datical "Project1" testConnections replace
  3. The datical.project file is updated and can be used or checked in to source control.

If you are using the GUI,

  1. Open the appropriate project file
  2. Make the desired settings or pipeline modifications
  3. The datical.project file will be updated and can be used or checked-in to Source Control

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