Creating a Multi-schema Project

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Creating a Multi-schema Project

Use the Datical DB GUI to create a multi-schema project. 

  1. Right-click in the Deployment Plans tab, then select  New > Deployment Plan.

  2. The initial page contains two new sections.

    • Single or Multiple Schema Management

    • Level at which Database Schema are Specified

  3. Enter a name in Project Name. You may also enter an optional Pipeline Name.  
  4. Select Multiple Schema. This selection automatically sets Database Schema Specification to Deployment Plan. The schema for each step in the release pipeline must have the same name. 
  5. Click Next
  6. Enter a Name for the step.
  7. Select a Database Platform for the Deployment Step that will be used to create the initial Deployment Plan Change Log
  8. On the next page of the wizard provide connection details for the Deployment Step. Notice the 'Schema' field is disabled. Schema will be configured on the following page. NOTE: The username/password you provide to access the database will need sufficient privileges to access the all of the schema you wish to manage.
  9. On the next page, click the 'Configure' button associated with the Managed Schema field. This will present a selection dialog populated with the schema the account you provided can access. Select the schema you want to manage in this Deployment Plan and move them from the 'Available' list to the 'Assigned' list. Click 'Ok.


  10. Next select a Tracking Schema from the schema available in the populated menu. The Tracking Schema is the schema where the DATABASECHANGELOG and DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK tables will be maintained. You can select one of the Managed Schema for the project or any other schema. NOTE: Only one set of tracking tables can be present in any schema. If you configure multiple Deployment Plans to use the same tracking schema, you may get inaccurate information when you perform 'Status' operations for those Deployment Plan


  11. Click 'Finish.' At this point the Deployment Plan will be created & the initial baseline will be performed if it was selected in Deployment Plan Creation Wizard. After successfully completion, the Deployment Plan will open in the application.

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