The ephemeralConnectionRetryTimeout property for Azure SQL Managed Instance

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

The ephemeralConnectionRetryTimeout property for Azure SQL Managed Instance

The process of Ephemeral database copying takes time. In the process of copying, the connection to the Ephemeral database cannot be obtained because the Ephemeral database is being replicated. Datical DB includes the ephemeralConnectionRetryTimeout property for Packager, which defines an overall time to get the connection to the Ephemeral database instance after the backup operation is executed. The default value for the property is 20 minutes, however, the replication may take more time and you may want to set a retry time-out that is applicable for your configuration.

To configure the retry time-out, open the deployPackager.properties file and set the ephemeralConnectionRetryTimeout property. The valid time value to set is from one minute to one day (1440 minutes).

  • If the connection to the Ephemeral database is not obtained after the specified retry time-out, the Packager will delete the Ephemeral database and will fail.

  • If the connection to the Ephemeral database is obtained less than the retry time-out you specified, then the packaging process will continue.

There is a sample deployPackager.properties file provided in DaticalDB/repl/scripts. For more information, see Using the Required deployPackager.properties File.

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