Liquibase Enterprise v7.0 - Release Notes

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Liquibase Enterprise v7.0 - Release Notes

Software Downloads

Go to https://software.datical.com to download files. See details for the release below. 

Customer Notices for Upgrades

Starting with the 6.10 release, Datical DB will run in the OpenJDK runtime instead of the Oracle Java runtime. If you are installing release 6.10 or greater of Datical DB from scratch in it's own folder, the installer will provide the new OpenJDK runtime. There are no additional steps for you to take.  This is the recommended course of action.

If you are updating an older version of Datical DB (6.9 or earlier) using the Datical software update site or the composite repo, you will need to replace the old Oracle Java runtime with the OpenJDK runtime.  For instructions expand the link below.

 OpenJDK Update - Manual Instructions

Datical DB now runs on OpenJDK

Starting with the 6.10 release, Datical DB will bundle OpenJDK instead of the Oracle Java Runtime.  The decision to migrate was prompted by a change in Oracle's licensing that would have impeded our ability to provide security patches to the Java distribution in our frequent releases.

NOTE: Datical will only install the new Java distribution as part of a fresh install of the product.  If you prefer to update an existing installation using Datical's update site or the composite repo follow the steps below to manually replace the Oracle Java Runtime with OpenJDK:

  1. Log in to software.datical.com and go to COMMON/Java_JDK/OpenJDK
  2. Download the archive for your client platform
    1. LinuxOpenJDK8U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_8u222b10.tar.gz
    2. WindowsOpenJDK8U-jre_x64_windows_hotspot_8u222b10.zip
  3. Close Datical DB if it's open, including Windows command line and Linux terminal sessions
  4. Rename the root folder of the current JRE in the Datical installation
    2. AFTER:    <DDB_INSTALL_ROOT>/oracle.jre
  5. Extract the JRE archive downloaded in step 2 to the Datical DB Install root
    1. Extracting the archive should create a new directory that will need to be renamed 
      1. Extracted directory name: <DDB_INSTALL_ROOT>/jdk8u222-b10-jre
      2. Rename directory to: <DDB_INSTALL_ROOT>/jre
  6. Test the Datical DB GUI by launching the client to ensure it opens without issue
  7. Test Datcial DB CLI by running 'hammer show version' from a terminal or or the Windows command line
  8. At this point you may delete <DDB_INSTALL_ROOT>/oracle.jre at your leisure

If you are upgrading from version 5.12 or earlier, see Customer Notices for Upgrades from 5.12 or Earlier to v2019.x or Later for important information before you install or upgrade

Installation for the Datical DB GUI client requires special attention. 

Documentation for v7.0

Documentation for the base release is available in the following forms:

Datical DB

SoftwareCOMMON/Datical_DB_Software/Datical_DB_7.0.6465Choose the Linux or Windows installation file for your system. 
Datical DB DocumentationCOMMON/Datical_Documentation/Datical_DB_Documentationdatical_db_docs_v7.0.pdf
Composite Installation RepositoryCOMMON/Datical_DB_Software/Datical_DB_7.0.6465DaticalDbCompositeRepo-7.0.6465.zip

Datical Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC)

DMC DocumentationOnline @ dmc.datical.com<N/A>

Documentation Spaces for Older Releases

See Customer Success Resources in the Releases with Doc Spaces section for a list of spaces available for older releases (prior to 6.7). 

New Features

Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) 

With the 7.0 release Datical is offering a new, lightweight web-based Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) that provides status and reporting information for all of your Datical projects through a browser.  The new DMC is a simpler replacement for Datical Service that is much easier to install, manage and use. 

Simplified Installation, Configuration and Upgrade

The new Deployment Monitoring Console was built to get you up and running fast.  Hardware requirements have been greatly simplified to reduce the time it takes to requisition a suitable system and reduce the overall operational costs of the solution. The new installer workflow is simpler and more intuitive.  Upgrading to new versions beyond 7.0 will be as easy as running the new installer on the system where the previous version is installed. 

Controlled Access to Database Deployment Information

The new DMC still uses Keycloak to manage user authentication and authorization.  This allows you to integrate the DMC with your existing LDAP solution in order to simplify user management and control what data individual users have access to. 

Centralized Operational Reports and Status Details for All of Your Projects, Pipelines and Databases

The DMC provides several views into your organization's database deployment data so that you can quickly understand where your database changes have been deployed and where they haven't. It also acts as the central repository for Datical's detailed operational reports.  Users can now easily self service requests about database status and deployment outcomes as easily as they can log into their email or banking website.

To get started with DMC check out the following documentation resources:

Issues Addressed

Issue IDDescription
DAT-4302Update Postgres Setup instructions to address RDS issue with "REASSIGN OWNED BY" Postgres EDB, PostgreSQL, and Azure Database for Postgres Setup
DAT-4120Custom Forecast Rules run 2x for each changeset
DAT-4013Remove Environment Type field from Datical DB GUI
DAT-4079Forecast Report is misleading for changes packaged using SQL_DIRECT
DAT-3619Property substitution fails when labels values are used (Improved logging and recommendations to avoid this scenario) Setting Properties in the Project Changelog#UsingPropertiesforSchemaNames
DAT-2404Example scripts for Oracle Roles and Permissions should not use "$DaticalUser" Roles and Permissions for Liquibase Enterprise on Oracle Database

Known Issues

Checksum Errors when Performing Status on Deployed AddUniqueConstraints Changes

If you deploy AddUniqueConstraint changes using Datical DB v6.7 or later AND you deploy changes using an older version of Datical DB, you get errors during Status operations. The error is reported when the status command performs checksum validation. Checksum creation was changed in version 2019.2. 

Starting in v6.7, the Status operation accepts "old" checksums. However, if you attempt a Status operation using an old client, it reports an error on changes deployed by a new client.  

  • Old - before version 2019.2
  • New - version 2019.2 or later

Change deployed by old (4.x/5.x)Change deployed by new (2019.x/6.x))
Status run using old (4.x/5.x)WorksDoes not work. Upgrade required.
Status run using new (2019.x/6.x)WorksWorks

Datical now notes version matching for clients working on the same release pipeline. See Liquibase Enterprise Version Requirements

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