Liquibase Enterprise Version Requirements

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Liquibase Enterprise Version Requirements

Liquibase Enterprise

Same Liquibase Enterprise Version for All Users Working on a Release Pipeline

For any given release pipeline, all users that deploy changes to the pipeline should use the same version of Liquibase Enterprise/Datical DB. This requirement applies to all users:

  • Individual Users - Users haveLiquibase Enterprise installed on their system. They use the GUI client or CLI to perform operations (package, deploy, status, rollback).

  • Automation - An automation solution (like Jenkins) uses a Liquibase Enterprise installation. The automation system runs Liquibase Enterprise CLI commands to perform operations (package, deploy, status, rollback).

Same Database Version for All Databases in a Release Pipeline

It is best practice to have all dbDef steps in a release pipeline running the same version of the database platform. The version of the database should be consistent to provide a consistent experience when the same changes are deployed to each dbDef step in the pipeline.

If you need to use different database versions, ensure that the REF database is running the database version that matches the earliest database version in the pipeline. This way, you can avoid the situation when REF is a newer database version where changesets are created with newer attributes that may not be recognized by the earlier database versions in your pipeline.

Each step in a project represents a stage in the release pipeline. A step in Liquibase Enterprise software is also known as a dbDef, a connection, a target, or an environment.


Liquibase Enterprise 7.x and DMC (Deployment Monitoring Console) Version Matching

DMC (Deployment Monitoring Console) 7.x versions typically need to match your Liquibase Enterprise/Liquibase Enterprise 7.x version. There are a few exceptions for versions where there was a Liquibase Enterprise/Liquibase Enterprise release but no correlating release for DMC. Please see the “Liquibase Enterprise and Deployment Monitoring Console Compatability Matrix” here: https://dmc.datical.com/release-notes/release-notes-home.htm



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