Non-elevated user for SQL Server

Non-elevated user for SQL Server

Datical's Deployment Packager for SQL Server requires elevated permissions as documented here: SQL Server Roles and Permissions for Datical DB. These roles inclue:

  • dbcreator - server-level permission
  • db_backupoperator - database-level permission

With the new approach, those permissions are no longer needed. Instead, following database-level permissions are needed:

  • db_datareader
  • db_datawriter
  • db_ddladmin
  • db_securityadmin

This document discusses another approach that does not requires above-mentioned SQL Server privileges for packaging. 


This approach leverages Datical's baseline to capture the state of the database (establish baseline before you do anything else - this will populate changelog.xml with initial change sets). Then use custom backup/restore script that doesn't use the native SQL Server backup/restore mechanism (and require the associated privileges).

This script, as part of restoring the database, performs drop of all objects to clean out the database. By configuring to use "on_demand" backup mode, Deployment Packager will use the changelog instead of the backup file to restore the database.


This approach requires the following setup:

  • The database must be baselined so that all objects in the database have a corresponding change set in Datical's changelog. The baseline (change sets) serve as backup of the database from which databases will be rebuilt in case restore operation needs to be performed.
  • Deployment Packager must be configured with databaseBackupMode=on_demand
  • Use the attached groovy script for custom backup/restore method. 
    • Groovy script: BackupRestoreSqlServerNoBackupFile-v5.4.groovy
      • This script would need to be added to "extensions" directory, which requires additional property to be set in Deployment Packager configuration: extensionsPath=C://apps//DaticalDB//repl//scripts//extensions
    • As such, Deployment Packager must be configured with databaseBackupRestoreMethod=BackupRestoreSqlServerNoBackupFile



  1. Create a REF DB. This could be a blank database or generated from PROD (with no data). F
  2. Setup permissions on REF database as follows:
    1. Non-elevated permisssions
      EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_ddladmin', N'datical_user'
      EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', N'datical_user'
      EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datawriter', N'datical_user'
      EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_securityadmin', N'datical_user'
      GRANT VIEW DATABASE STATE to [datical_user]

Datical SME:

  1. Save the groovy script (BackupRestoreSqlServerNoBackupFile-v5.4.groovy) to a path within Datical install directory, e.g., C://apps//DaticalDB//repl//scripts//extensions.
    1. Rename the file to BackupRestoreSqlServerNoBackupFile.groovy
    2. The script performs the following operations:
      1. Backup: No backup is taken. This is configured in Step 3 where Datical project is configured for "on_demand" backup mode.
      2. Restore: Performs a drop of all objects by executing SQL code (built into the groovy script) and then restores/rebuilds the database from change sets in the Datical project. 
  2. Provide a mechanism to build REF DB using one of the following two approaches:
    1. If the REF DB is already populated, then create a baseline of your REF database using the command: hammer groovy project_baseline.groovy
    2. If the REF DB is a blank database, then DBAs will need to provide a DDL script of all objects from production instance. This script will need to be added to sql_direct/ref_only folder containing custom metadata.properties file that mentions contexts=REF_ONLY
  3. Update deployPackager.properties with these new lines:
    1. databaseBackupMode=on_demand
    2. databaseBackupRestoreMethod=BackupRestoreSqlServerNoBackupFile
    3. extensionsPath=C://apps//DaticalDB//repl//scripts//extensions
  4. Ensure that REF DB has context set to REF_ONLY. This will allow load script from sql_direct/REF_ONLY 

You are now configured with non-elevated use that can run Deployment Packager. Start packager your SQL scripts.

Expected Behavior

For packaging scripts using CONVERT packaging method (ddl): Deployment Packager will always perform a restore operation. This will manifest as following intermediate deploy operation during packaging job:

For packaging scripts using STOREDLOGIC, DDL_DIRECT, DATA_DML, SQLFILE, or DIRECT packaging methods: Deployment Packager may not always perform a restore operation. The restore operation will only be invoked when a failure is encountered during the packaging job. 

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