- There are a few values that are going to be standard needed for each API call
- BaseURL
- Port number (e.g., 142008080)
- AppID (e.g., Datical)
- SafeName is Test (This is what you chose in step 4 above)
Folder is root
- Create an http GET call using the above values and the following format template:
API is documented here ->
https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/998920/RzZ9Gz1U?bs=true&version=latest#97bada25-0588-4660-9fc3-bae9f1087596 - In the above template,
will be the value you set for the "Account Name" in step 5 of Setting up an account in CyberArk above - My resulting URL for this example will look like this:
When I drop that in a browser address bar the server will respond with the following json object:
Code Block language js title JSON Response from CyberArk REST call linenumbers true { "Content":"password", "CreationMethod":"PVWA", "Address":"gambit_ora_ref", "Safe":"Test", "UserName":"GAMBITCARD_REF_DB", "Database":"REF_DB", "PolicyID":"Oracle", "DeviceType":"Database", "Name":"gambit_ora_ref", "Folder":"Root", "PasswordChangeInProcess":"False" }
- The password is returned in the "Content" attribute
- Use the instructions in Providing Provide Runtime Credentials to set the necessary runtime database credentials.
Here is an example Jenkinsfile script that I used to incorporate the credentials (lines 32-36). (I used JsonSlurper to parse the JSON response from CyberArk)
Code Block language groovy title Jenkinsfile linenumbers true collapse true import groovy.json.JsonSlurper node { try { // Environment Variables env.appname = "GambitCard" env.scmCreds = "e0de9ac3-3636-48d7-b95e-35443ab32b53" env.scmType = "git" env.ddbURL = "ssh://jenkins@win-20e107kb4tn:7999/gc/gambitcard.git" env.srcURL = "ssh://jenkins@win-20e107kb4tn:7999/gc/gambitcardsql.git" // Pad env.BUILD_NUMBER so fetching LATEST will work properly on Artifactory and Xebia XLD // Requires https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Permissive+Script+Security+Plugin env.BUILD_NUMBER = "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}".padLeft(4,'0') //MOVED TO JENKINS NODE SETTINGS //env.DATICAL_CLIENT_SECRET="123abc" //env.DATICAL_SERVER="hostname" //env.curlHome = "C:\\apps\\Git\\mingw64\\bin" //env.datHome = "C:\\apps\\DaticalDB\\repl" //env.mvnHome = "C:\\apps\\apache-maven-3.3.9\\bin" //env.ucdHome = "C:\\apps\\ibm-ucd-agent\\opt\\udclient" //env.ZipHome = "C:\\apps\\7-Zip" // Print Environment Variables //echo sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'env') // String Definitions //def appname = "${env.appname}" deleteDir() stage('Get CYBERARKCREDS') { URL apiURL = "http://services-uscentral.skytap.com:14200/AIMWebService/api/Accounts?AppID=Datical&Safe=Test&Folder=root&Object=gambit_ora_ref".toURL() Map myjson = new JsonSlurper().parse(apiURL.newReader()) env.DDB_USER = myjson.UserName env.DDB_PASS = myjson.Content println("${env.DDB_USER}") } stage('Source Checkout') { if (env.scmType == 'git') { parallel ( CheckoutDDB: { checkout([$class: "GitSCM", branches: [[name: "*/master"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: "RelativeTargetDirectory", relativeTargetDir: "ddb"], [$class: "LocalBranch", localBranch: "master"], [$class: "UserIdentity", email: "jenkins@company.com", name: "jenkins"]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${env.scmCreds}", url: "${env.ddbURL}"]]]) }, CheckoutAPP: { checkout([$class: "GitSCM", branches: [[name: "*/${env.pipeline}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: "RelativeTargetDirectory", relativeTargetDir: "src"], [$class: "LocalBranch", localBranch: "${env.pipeline}"], [$class: "UserIdentity", email: "jenkins@company.com", name: "jenkins"]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${env.scmCreds}", url: "${env.srcURL}"]]]) } ) } if (env.scmType == 'svn') { parallel ( CheckoutDDB: { checkout changelog: false, poll: false, scm: [$class: "SubversionSCM", additionalCredentials: [], excludedCommitMessages: "", excludedRegions: "", excludedRevprop: "", excludedUsers: "", filterChangelog: false, ignoreDirPropChanges: false, includedRegions: "", locations: [[credentialsId: "7545c833-66a0-4386-8a16-9d8a51c98449", depthOption: "infinity", ignoreExternalsOption: true, local: "ddb", remote: "${env.ddbURL}"], [credentialsId: "7545c833-66a0-4386-8a16-9d8a51c98449", depthOption: "infinity", ignoreExternalsOption: true, local: "ddb", remote: "${env.ddbURL}"]], workspaceUpdater: [$class: "UpdateUpdater"]] }, CheckoutAPP: { checkout changelog: false, poll: false, scm: [$class: "SubversionSCM", additionalCredentials: [], excludedCommitMessages: "", excludedRegions: "", excludedRevprop: "", excludedUsers: "", filterChangelog: false, ignoreDirPropChanges: false, includedRegions: "", locations: [[credentialsId: "7545c833-66a0-4386-8a16-9d8a51c98449", depthOption: "infinity", ignoreExternalsOption: true, local: "src", remote: "${env.srcURL}"], [credentialsId: "7545c833-66a0-4386-8a16-9d8a51c98449", depthOption: "infinity", ignoreExternalsOption: true, local: "src", remote: "${env.srcURL}"]], workspaceUpdater: [$class: "UpdateUpdater"]] } ) } } stage('PackageDB') { // Set Upstream Branches for Git if (env.scmType == 'git') { bat 'cd src && git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/%pipeline% %pipeline%' bat 'cd ddb && git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master' } // Show Hammer Version Details //bat 'hammer.bat show version' // Set Version if (env.pipeline == 'pipeline1') { env.version = "2.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" } if (env.pipeline == 'pipeline2') { env.version = "3.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" } if (env.pipeline == 'hotfix') { //ASSUME YOU ARE HOTFIXING CURRENT VERSION env.version = "1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}_HOTFIX" } //Check creds println('USER') println("${env.DDB_USER}") // Invoke Datical Database Code Packager //withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'DATICAL5', usernameVariable: 'DATICAL_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'DATICAL_PASSWORD')]) { //bat 'cd ddb && hammer.bat groovy deployPackager.groovy %pipeline% scm=true labels=%BUILD_TAG%' bat 'cd ddb && hammer.bat groovy deployPackager.groovy pipeline=%pipeline% scm=true labels=%version%' //} // Create Datical Artifact bat 'cd ddb && 7za.exe a -tzip -x!.git -x!.svn -x!Logs -x!Reports -x!Snapshots -x!Profiles -x!.classpath -x!.gitignore -x!.metadata -x!.project -x!.reporttemplates -x!daticaldb.log -x!deployPackager.properties -x!svn-ignore.properties ..\\%appname%DB.zip' } stage('BuildApp') { bat 'sed -i s/VERSION_NO/%version%/g .\\src\\app_code\\src\\main\\webapp\\index.jsp' bat 'cd src\\app_code && mvn package' bat 'move src\\app_code\\target\\%appname%-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war .\\%appname%.war' } stage('Package Artifact') { if (env.CDTool != 'UCD') { // Artifactory Configuration def server = Artifactory.server 'art-001' def buildInfo = Artifactory.newBuildInfo() // Set custom build name and number. buildInfo.setName "${env.appname}" buildInfo.setNumber "${env.version}" def uploadSpec = """ { "files": [ { "pattern": "*zip", "target": "${env.appname}/${env.appname}DB-${env.version}.zip", "props": "pipeline=${env.pipeline}" }, { "pattern": "*war", "target": "${env.appname}/${env.appname}-${env.version}.war", "props": "pipeline=${env.pipeline}" } ] }""" // Upload to Artifactory. server.upload spec: uploadSpec, buildInfo: buildInfo // Publish build info. server.publishBuildInfo buildInfo if (env.CDTool == 'XLD') { // used to create and publish the artifacts in XLD xldCreatePackage artifactsPath: ".", manifestPath:"src/deployit-manifest.xml", darPath: '${appname}-${version}.dar' xldPublishPackage serverCredentials: 'Admin', darPath: '${appname}-${version}.dar' //xldCreatePackage artifactsPath: ".", manifestPath:"src/sql_code/deployit-manifest_ddb.xml", darPath: '${appname}_ddb-${version}.dar' //xldPublishPackage serverCredentials: 'Admin', darPath: '${appname}_ddb-${version}.dar' } } if (env.CDTool == 'UCD') { // Add UCD Component Version bat 'udclient.cmd -username admin -password password -weburl https://win-20e107kb4tn:8444 createVersion -component %appname%-DB -name %version%' bat 'udclient.cmd -username admin -password password -weburl https://win-20e107kb4tn:8444 createVersion -component %appname%-WAR -name %version%' // Add Files to new Component Version bat 'udclient.cmd -username admin -password password -weburl https://win-20e107kb4tn:8444 addVersionFiles -component %appname%-DB -version %version% -base %WORKSPACE% -include **/%appname%*.zip' bat 'udclient.cmd -username admin -password password -weburl https://win-20e107kb4tn:8444 addVersionFiles -component %appname%-WAR -version %version% -base %WORKSPACE% -include **/%appname%*.war' } } if (env.pipeline != 'hotfix') { stage('Deploy To DEV') { env.deployenv = "DEV" parallel( DeployApp: { if (env.pipeline == 'pipeline1') { env.deployenv = "DEV" } if (env.pipeline == 'pipeline2') { env.deployenv = "DEV2" } build job: String.valueOf(appname) + '-DEP', parameters: [ string(name: 'pipeline', value: String.valueOf("${env.pipeline}")), string(name: 'labels', value: String.valueOf("${env.pipeline}")), string(name: 'deployenv', value: String.valueOf("${env.deployenv}")), string(name: 'deployver', value: String.valueOf("${env.version}")), string(name: 'CDTool', value: String.valueOf("${env.CDTool}")) ] }, DeployDB: { //xldDeploy serverCredentials: 'Admin', environmentId: 'Environments/${deployenv} ENV', packageId: 'Applications/${env.appname}_ddb/${version}' //Refresh Pipeline for DMC Status //bat 'cd ddb && hammer.bat status' //withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'DATICAL5', usernameVariable: 'DATICAL_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'DATICAL_PASSWORD')]) { // bat 'cd ddb && hammer.bat status %appname%' //} } ) } stage('Promotion Approval') { echo 'wait for approval' } input 'Continue to Deploy TEST' stage('Deploy To TEST') { env.deployenv = "TEST" parallel( DeployApp: { if (env.pipeline == 'pipeline1') { env.deployenv = "TEST" } if (env.pipeline == 'pipeline2') { env.deployenv = "TEST2" } build job: String.valueOf(appname) + '-DEP', parameters: [ string(name: 'pipeline', value: String.valueOf("${env.pipeline}")), string(name: 'labels', value: String.valueOf("${env.pipeline}")), string(name: 'deployenv', value: String.valueOf("${env.deployenv}")), string(name: 'deployver', value: String.valueOf("${env.version}")), string(name: 'CDTool', value: String.valueOf("${env.CDTool}")) ] }, DeployDB: { //xldDeploy serverCredentials: 'Admin', environmentId: 'Environments/${deployenv} ENV', packageId: 'Applications/${env.appname}_ddb/${version}' sleep 15 } ) } } stage('Promotion Approval') { echo 'wait for approval' } input 'Continue to Deploy PROD' stage('Deploy To PROD') { env.deployenv = "PROD" parallel( DeployApp: { build job: String.valueOf(appname) + '-DEP', parameters: [ string(name: 'pipeline', value: String.valueOf("${env.pipeline}")), string(name: 'labels', value: String.valueOf("${env.pipeline}")), string(name: 'deployenv', value: String.valueOf("${env.deployenv}")), string(name: 'deployver', value: String.valueOf("${env.version}")), string(name: 'CDTool', value: String.valueOf("${env.CDTool}")) ] }, DeployDB: { if (env.pipeline == 'hotfix') { //withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'DATICAL5', usernameVariable: 'DATICAL_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'DATICAL_PASSWORD')]) { //bat 'cd ddb\\%appname% && hammer.bat status %appname%' //} } } ) } } catch (e) { // If there was an exception thrown, the build failed currentBuild.result = "FAILED" throw e } finally { // Success or failure, always send notifications notifyBuild(currentBuild.result) archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '**/ddb/**/Reports/**' } } def notifyBuild(String buildStatus = 'STARTED') { // build status of null means successful buildStatus = buildStatus ?: 'SUCCESSFUL' def subject = "${buildStatus}: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]'" //def summary = "${subject} (${env.BUILD_URL})" def summary = "${subject} (http://win-20e107kb4tn:8080/blue/organizations/jenkins/${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline)" // Send notifications mail bcc: '', body: summary, cc: '', from: 'jenkins@company.local', replyTo: '', subject: subject, to: 'dev@company.local' }