Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Overriding Java Use

Default Behavior

Liquibase Enterprise installs and uses Java as described in Java Version Use.  If you need Liquibase Enterprise to use a particular Java version to comply with IT or technical requirements, do the following:

  • Install the Java version you require.  It can be installed in any location.
  • Configure Liquibase Enterprise to use the desired version. 


You can use the override for a different minor version of java, but the major version of java must match the major version required by Liquibase Enterprise.  

Configuring Liquibase Enterprise to Override the Default

Two Liquibase Enterprise components use Java.  

  • GUI: Reads <datical-install>/datical.ini when starting. 
  • CLI: Reads the value of an environment variable DDB_JAVA_HOME. It does not use -vm or other JRE settings in <datical-install>/repl/hammer-bin.ini

Configuring the GUI

To override the Java location used by the GUI, use a text editor to add the -vm option to  <datical-install>/datical.ini.

  • It must be first option in the file and on its own line.
  • The java path needs to be on its own line immediately after it.
  • Restart the GUI if it is running so that it will read the INI file. 

    [ the rest of the INI file ]

Configuring the CLI

The hammer CLI automatically uses the jre directory installed with Liquibase Enterprise (in <datical-install>)

To override the Java location used by the CLI,

  • Set the environment variable DDB_JAVA_HOME to the absolute path of the Java to use. Do not include /bin/java in the path.
  • Rename the embedded jre directory installed with Liquibase Enterprise.  The jre directory is found in <datical-install>.
export DDB_JAVA_HOME=/usr/Java/jdk1.8.0_73

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