Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.
"Quick Deploy" Deployment Mode
The "quick deploy" mode allows you to perform Deploy by skipping the automatic Forecast.
This mode is typically used in automation because there is usually an explicit Forecast performed prior to a Deploy. In this case, "quick deploy" is desirable because there is already a Forecast performed prior to Deploy.
Managing the Project Wide Setting for "Quick Deploy"
There is selection in the Deployment Settings section of the of the Deployment Plan Settings tab. When the "Quick Deploy" option is selected, Forecast will be skipped during Deploy. When "Full Deploy" option is selected, then Forecast will be automatically performed as part of running Deploy.
Updates in "datical.project" file
Making the abovementioned changes get reflected in the datical.project files by adding deployMode="quick"
attribute in line #2 (scroll all the way to the right to see this attribute):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?> <dbproject:Project xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:dbproject="" name="SONY" storedLogicExternal="true" deployThreshold="stopOnError" requireOptions="true" limitForecastProfiling="false" deployMode="quick" projectsId="5afdc6b6-4252-4def-9b2a-1e1ccb04d380" runtimeCredentials="false" multiSchema="true" dbSchemaDefinition="project" schemaSelectionStep="REF1" trackingSchema="DATICALDBTRACKING" enableRowCount="false"> <dbDefs xsi:type="dbproject:OracleDbDef" name="REF1" driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" hostname="" port="1521" username="DATICAL_USER" password="" contexts="REF1" storageOptionCollectedAtSnapshot="true" labels="current" serviceName="" enableCompression="false" rowsPerBatch="10000"/> <dbDefs xsi:type="dbproject:OracleDbDef" name="DEV" driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" hostname="" port="1521" username="DATICAL_USER" password="" contexts="DEV" storageOptionCollectedAtSnapshot="true" labels="current" environment="DEV" serviceName="" enableCompression="false" rowsPerBatch="10000"/> <dbDefs xsi:type="dbproject:OracleDbDef" name="QA" driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" hostname="" port="1521" username="DATICAL_USER" password="" contexts="QA" storageOptionCollectedAtSnapshot="true" labels="current" environment="QA" serviceName="" enableCompression="false" rowsPerBatch="10000"/> <plans name="current" databaseDefs="//@dbDefs[name='REF1'] //@dbDefs[name='DEV'] //@dbDefs[name='QA']"/> <changelog href="Changelog/changelog.xml#//@databaseChangeLog"/> <schemas name="MYSCHEMA"/> </dbproject:Project>
Programmatic Support for "Quick Deploy"
Datical's automation utility allows you to configure this programmatically. This is useful when there is a need to overwrite project-level settings.
The argument for limited forecast is --deployMode=quick
. This can be passed for both Forecast and Deploy commands as follows:
# Deploy command hammer deploy <dbDef> --deployMode=quick
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