Performing Rollback Operations in the CLI

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Performing Rollback Operations in the CLI

  1. Run history to see what changesets have been applied to a server (Dev in this case). 

    hammer history Dev
  2. Run the rollback command.  The following example rolls back all changes made to Dev in the last deployment.  

    hammer rollback Dev lastDeploy
  3. Run history to verify the change. 

    hammer history Dev

See the rollback command in CLI Commands


Current methodology calls for the use of only the lastDeploy option if you are using packager (Deployment Packager).

Older methodologies could use lastlabel, changeid, count, date, and tag options.  Avoid lastlabel, changeid, count, date, and tag if you are using the current methodology (Deployment Packager). 

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