Performing Rollback Operations in the GUI

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Performing Rollback Operations in the GUI


If you are using Deployment Packager, use Rollback Last Deploy. 

Rollback by List and Rollback by Label are supported but are associated with older tools and methodologies. 

The Datical DB GUI supports three types of rollback:

  • Rollback by List
  • Rollback by Label
  • Rollback Last Deploy

Rollback by List

This option gives you full control over rolling back one or more changesets. In this example, we will rollback the last two deployed changesets.

  1. To Rollback by List, click the Rollback button

  2. Select the Rollback by List option if not already selected, and click Next

  3. Review the Deployed Changesets and select the changeset you want to rollback to. In this case we want to rollback changes xxx-159 and xxx-160 so we click changeset xxx-158. Click Rollback to start the rollback.

  4. Click Finish when you are done reviewing the results of the rollback.

  5. After the rollback is complete, you should review the detailed status and see that the two changesets (xxx-159 and xxx-160) are now available for re-deployment.

Rollback by Label


Using convert_sql.groovy is part of an older methodology and is not part of newer implementations.

If you use Deployment Packager, use Rollback Last Deploy. 

If you used convert_sql.groovy and included a custom rollback script with a SQL script, then you can use the Rollback by Label option to rollback all of the changes in the script using the supplied Rollback Script.

Prerequisite: you must have loaded both the SQL Script and Rollback SQL Script using convert_sql.groovy.

  1. To Rollback by Label, click the Rollback button

  2. Select the Rollback by Label option if not already selected, and click Next

  3. Review the Last Deployed Label and the list of changesets to make sure these are the changes you want to rollback. Note that Rollback by Label has the following restrictions:
    • Only the most recent label can be rolled back. To rollback more than one label, you will need to run rollback once for each label you want to rollback.
    • Rollback by Label is only available when no other changes have been deployed since the label and all of the changes for the label have been deployed contiguously.
  4. When you're ready to rollback, click Rollback

  5. After the rollback is complete, you should review the detailed status and see that the changesets were successfully rolled back. Click Finish when you are done reviewing the results of the rollback

  6. All of the changesets associated with the label are now available for re-deployment.

Rollback Last Deploy

Rollback Last Deploy is available to simplify the workflow of reverting the target database to the state it was in immediately before the last deployment operation. This can be useful when multiple labels are deployed to environment that would each require their own Rollback operation. To Rollback the Last Deployment, click the 'Rollback' button for the appropriate Deployment Step and follow the instructions below.

  1. Select the 'Rollback Last Deploy' option and click Next. 

  2. The next page will contain summary information about the change sets deployed in the last deployment operation. When you confirm this is what you'd like to rollback, click the Rollback button

  3. Once the process completes successfully you will be presented with a results screen that provides summary information of the Change Sets that were rolled back. Click Finish to close the wizard.

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