Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.
Getting Status
Status indicates the following information about steps in a project:
- Database connection status
- Deployment status of all steps or a specified step
- Changesets deployed to a step
Getting Status Using the GUI
In the Plan tab, click Status.
Getting Status Using the CLI
Several commands are available to give you status for the project or its steps.
dbshow: Database Connection Status
Run dbshow
to get the database connection information for the project (datical.project).
hammer dbshow
status: Deployment Status of Steps in a Project
Run status
to show the current deployment status of the database steps in the project.
hammer status
statusDetails: Deployment Status of All Changesets at a Step
Run statusDetails <DbRef>
to show the current deployment status of changesets in the project for one step in the release pipeline. The step is identified by its DbRef (database connection name).
- Deployed
- Undeployed
- Ignored
hammer statusDetails QA
history: Currently Deployed Changesets at a Step
Run history <deploystep>
to show the currently deployed changesets. This example uses the QA deployment step.
hammer history QA
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