Output from Deployment Packager

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Output from Deployment Packager

Deployment Packager produces output that describes what it did and what changesets were produced.  If packaging fails, it produces output to help you debug the problem. 

Output Files

Deployment Packager produces different output depending on whether packaging succeeds or fails.

When packaging succeeds, the following files are produced:

  • packager.log
  • packagerReport.html

When packaging fails, the files produced depend on where the failure occurred. The packager log and html report may not be produced. The backup file can be used for debugging. 

  • packager.log
  • packagerReport.html
  • Backup file: yyyyMMdd-hhmmssSSS-backup.zip - contains the changelogs and resources from the project


The HTML report gives you a summary of the results of the packaging job. 

Output Location

By default, output is placed in the Reports directory for the project. 


For example, for a step named Dev when the Deployment Packager is run on September 26, 2017 at 9:03:57 am, the output is placed in this directory:


Month Format

NN-MMM is a month format that combines the number of the month (NN) with the abbreviated name of the month (MMM).  Example: 11-Nov refers to November, not November 11.  

Specifying a Location Using Hammer

Use the --report option on the hammer command when you start Deployment Packager. 

hammer --report <dir> groovy deployPackager pipeline=MyPipeline scm

This example runs the Deployment Packager once, using <dir> instead of <project>/Reports for all output normally placed in the Reports directory. 

Specifying a location using deployPackager.groovy


The logFile option on deployPackager.groovy is deprecated.  Use hammer --report instead.  

Previously you used the logfile option for the deployPackager.groovy script.  You could specify a path or a file name. Do not use it for new development. Use hammer --report instead. 

Example: specify a file name

hammer groovy deployPackager.groovy pipeline=MyPipeline scm logfile=todaypackage.log

  • In this example, the packager.log file is named todaypackage.log and placed in the usual timestamped path under <project>/Reports.   

Example: specify a path to a file 

hammer groovy deployPackager.groovy pipeline=MyPipeline scm logfile="C:\johndoe\todaypackage.log"

  • In this example,
    • The timestamped path is placed under C:\johndoe\.  Files other than todaypackage.log are placed in the relocated timestamped path.
    • The packager.log file is named todaypackage.log and placed directly under C:/johndoe


Do not use both the hammer --report option and the deployPackager.groovy logfile= option in the same command.  The Deployment Packager fails if both options are set. 

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