Packaging from a Manifest File

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Packaging from a Manifest File

This functionality is maintained for backward compatibility with older methodologies.  

The current recommended methodology for introducing database changes is to check SQL scripts into a source control repository and then package them into changesets. 

You can create a manifest file to specify a set of SQL scripts to be packaged. 

The manifest file specifies information for packaging:

  • location of scripts to be processed
  • metadata associated with these scripts
  • order of processing

When using a manifest mode, a deployPackager.properties file is required. It provides the location to use for database backups, databaseBackupRestoreLocation.

Metadata Definitions

Field Name

Field Description


Name of the person who authored the SQL scripts


Any relevant comments related to this group of SQL scripts


One or more labels that identify this set of changes so they can be easily identified and deployed as a group


Identifier to tie a set of changes to specific environments.

SQL File Definitions

Field Name

Field Description


Type of file being processed – sqlfile, sqlplus, function, package, packagebody, procedure, data_dml, ddl


SQL file used for deploy. Use an absolute path or a relative path plus an sqlScmPath setting. 


SQL file used for rollback.  Use an absolute path or a relative path plus an sqlScmPath setting.

Using Relative Paths

You can use a relative path for filename and rollbackFile if you also provide a value for sqlScmPath in deployPackager.properties. The filename used is constructed from the two values. 

Example: The following example shows how to set sqlScmPath and use a relative path in filename. 

  • SQL files location - C:/Users/jsmith/datical/project/sql_code/procedure
  • sqlScmPath - C:/Users/jsmith/datical/project/sql_code/
  • filename - procedure/0001_P_POSTS_HAS_COMMENTS_NUM.sql


Using relative paths supports manifest file portability. When set up to use relative paths, the same manifest file could be used on multiple systems. 

  • Systems of the same type
  • Systems of different types (Windows and Linux, for example)

In order to make a manifest file portable, you need to do the following:

  1. Assure that the same relative path can work (compare the environments on the systems you plan to use)
  2. Set the sqlScmPath value appropriately on each system.

Example of Portability

The path is two directories deeper on the Windows system. 

Local absolute path to SQL fileRelative Path in Manifest FilesqlScmPath value

System A

System B

Generating the Manifest File

The Datical DB GUI provides a wizard for authoring manifest files.  The files can also be authored manually in a text editor. 

Example Manifest File

The following manifest file specifies the following changes to package:

  • DDL script, no rollback file
  • Procedure (stored logic), with a rollback file

   {"author": "Smith, John"},
   {"comment": "Sprint 21 Release"},
   {"labels": "0351051"},
   {"contexts": ""},
         "sqltype": "ddl",
         "deployfile": "C:/Users/jsmith/datical/Blog_Import/sql_code/ddl/0001_create_table-review.sql",
         "rollbackfile": ""
         "sqltype": "procedure",

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