Adding a Project to Git

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Adding a Project to Git

Share the Project with the Git Repository

  1. Right-click on a project, then select Team > Share Project.

  2. Select the Git option, then click Next.

  3. Configure Repository: Click Create, enter the directory path and name for the local repository, then click Finish.


Configure the Git Ignore File

  1. Ctrl-right-click on the project folders to ignore, then select Team > Ignore. 

    You can then edit your .gitignore file to look like the following. The file will be located in your Datical DB project working directory.

    Files to ignore
  2. Commit your changes. Ctrl-right-click the folders, then select Team > Commit. Be sure to select all the necessary files to commit.


Add Remote Git Repository

Now that the project is synchronized with a local Git repository, you need to configure the repository to point to a remote Git repository.

  1. Click Open Perspective, then select Other. 

  2. Choose the Git Repository Exploring option and click OK. Then expand your local Git repository, right-click on the Remotes option, and select Create Remote. 

  3. Choose a name for your remote and click OK. Click Change button to add the URI link to your remote Git repository. Fill out the necessary credentials, then click Finish. 

  4. Click Advanced to fill out the push specifications. In this example the Add All Branches Spec button was selected but you can select exactly what you want to push to the remote Git repository as needed. Click Finish when done selecting options.


  5. You can use the Dry Run button to test pushing to the remote Git repository if you wish, otherwise click Save. Be sure to review the remote options and that you configure both the Push and Fetch options appropriately.

Push to the Remote Repository

  1. Return to Datical DB and refresh your workspace.
  2. Push your local repository to the upstream respository. 

  3. Verify your changes in the remote repository.

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