Troubleshooting: Environment Issues

Troubleshooting: Environment Issues

Environment issues have to do with incorrect or incomplete setup of the server(s). Proper setup requires setting up server(s) in a manner that all tools necessary to orchestrate "deploy" operation are in a known state. Therefore, once all tools are in a known state, and once "deploy" operations have been successfully completed, you typically will not see recurring environment issues.
Listed here are a few common environment issues:

  1. Symptom: Unable to connect to the database
    1. Cause: Network connection - Ensure that there exists a successful network connection to the database. You may use a client tool, e.g., Oracle client "SQL Developer" or SQL Server client "SQL Server Management Studio", to ensure that you have connectivity to the database.
    2. Cause: Failed login – Security is given a high priority and as a result there is a cadence of updating passwords. Check to see if your login or password have changed.
    3. Cause: Database modified or deleted – Since Datical DB operations require setting up "reference" or databases, your database may get cleaned up as part of regular cleaning operation. Ensure that the database you are trying to connect to exists.
  2. Symptom: "Command not found" or "Driver not installed"
    1. Cause: Environment variable does not include the tool you are trying to invoke → You might be using Jenkins node to perform a "deploy" operation. In this case, ensure that this node has all the right tools installed and that those tools are included in environment variable (e.g. %PATH% on Windows or $PATH in Linux). Typically, you will need the following tools installed:
      1. Datical DB  this provisions both DaticalDB GUI and DaticalDB CLI (i.e., "hammer" commands)
      2. Datical DB's Database Drivers  Refer to "Desktop/Tools Support Team Guide for Installing Datical DB" for steps on how to install Datical DB's database drivers
      3. Depending on the database you are using you may also need database tools installed on the node performing "deploy packager" operation (e.g., "expdp" and "sqlplus" for Oracle, "sqlcmd" for MS SQL Server).
    2. Cause: Command line tools for source control, e.g., TFS  You should be able to issue TFS commands on the server where you are trying to invoke this operation
    3. Cause: Plugin(s) not installed  Whichever deploy orchestration tool you are using you will invariably need to use one or more plugins. Ensure that those plugins are installed and properly configured. Test them out to ensure that those plugins are working as expected.

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