Troubleshooting: Remediation Process - Issues with Packaging

Troubleshooting: Remediation Process - Issues with Packaging

Before we get into remediate process for issues related to Deployment Packager operation, it is important to understand the underlying tasks performed by this operation. 

It is important to remember that Deployment Packager is executed only on the reference database (the first database in your Datical DB project). You do not run Deployment Packager against higher level or shared database environments. Therefore, it should be noted that in order to create changesets, Deployment Packager will be executed against only the reference or development database. After that, you will only perform Deploy operation to deploy changesets to all of the databases in the Datical DB project.

Under the hood, Deployment Packager performs a series of tasks depending on the type of scripts provided. Issues with Deployment Packager usually have to do with its ability to complete these underlying tasks. Some of these tasks invoke database client tools and errors in those tools propagate up as Deployment Packager errors. Examine the Deployment Packager log for errors. If the Deployment Packager was invoked via Command Line Interface (e.g., via a build tool), then the Deployment Packager output would be in stdout, so check the job log for errors.

When Deployment Packager fails, examine the stdout available in Jenkins' Console Output which is available by clicking on the red circle .


Note: You can also look at "daticaldb.log" in the Datical DB project directory on the Jenkins node.

Sample errors in Deployment Packager output:

  1. These errors are Oracle errors and should be investigated by your Oracle DBA.

    ***** Exporting schema GIVREF with user TKMDQT3[GIVREF]. GIVREF.dmp 
    executing expdp command: 
       expdp  /***********************@or0144q:1544/OQ0144.kohls.com estimate=statistics reuse_dumpfiles=y schemas=GIVREF directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=GIVREF.dmp logfile=GIVREF.log job_name=datical_pkg_20160928_113627_export parallel=4 exclude=statistics cluster=n 
       rc    : 1 
    Export: Release - Production on Wed Sep 28 11:36:54 2016 
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved. 
    UDE-12154: operation generated ORACLE error 12154 
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
  2. Error in SQL scripts are listed in the log along with the line number.

  3. ***** processing SQL script 1 of 1: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/WEBGRP/CMS/ WEBGRP_CMS_Pipeline_A_Packaging/ddb/../fwi-sql/sql_code/ddl/WEBGRP_CMS1/Baseline_ddl.sql 
    ***** Adding SQL file using /opt/datical/DaticalDB_4.9.3551/instantclient/sqlplus ***** 
    ***** Add SQL err handling, tracing and logging to update script ***** 
    ***** Load script using /opt/datical/DaticalDB_4.9.3551/instantclient/sqlplus ***** 
       sqlplus exited with failure code 174. Output shown below. Additional output available in 
       the log file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/WEBGRP/CMS/WEBGRP_CMS_Pipeline_A_Packaging/ddb/Resources/sql_scripts/20161208222915_Baseline_ddl.log 
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Dec 8 22:29:38 2016 
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved. 
    Last Successful login time: Thu Dec 08 2016 22:29:15 -06:00 
    Session altered. 
    ERROR at line 10: 
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 
    ----------------------------- end of /opt/datical/DaticalDB_4.9.3551/instantclient/sqlplus output --------------------------------- 
  4. Error connecting to SCM (e.g., Git) in order to check out the sql directory.

  5. Check in the archived scripts into the Developer repository 
    ERROR: Error commit  
    *** Please tell me who you are. 
      git config --global user.email "you@example.com" 
      git config --global user.name "Your Name" 
    to set your account's default identity. 
    Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository. 
    fatal: empty ident name (for <jenkins@demo-bld1-rhel6.datical.net>) not allowed 
    ERROR: Failed to check in files in ../fwi-sql 
  6. Error with the reference database setup ("tablespace does not exist").

  7. ********************************************************************************************* 
    ***** processing SQL script 1 of 1: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/WEBGRP/CMS/ WEBGRP_CMS_Pipeline_A_Packaging/ddb/../fwi-sql/sql_code/ddl/WEBGRP_CMS1/Baseline_ddl.sql 
    ***** Adding SQL file using /opt/datical/DaticalDB_4.9.3551/instantclient/sqlplus ***** 
    ***** Add SQL err handling, tracing and logging to update script ***** 
    ***** Load script using /opt/datical/DaticalDB_4.9.3551/instantclient/sqlplus ***** 
       sqlplus exited with failure code 191. Output shown below. Additional output available in 
       the log file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/WEBGRP/CMS/WEBGRP_CMS_Pipeline_A_Packaging/ddb/Resources/sql_scripts/20161208220411_Baseline_ddl.log 
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Dec 8 22:04:36 2016 
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved. 
    Last Successful login time: Thu Dec 08 2016 22:04:11 -06:00 
    Session altered. 
    ERROR at line 9: 
    ORA-00959: tablespace 'DATICAL' does not exist 
    ----------------------------- end of /opt/datical/DaticalDB_4.9.3551/instantclient/sqlplus output --------------------------------- 

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