How To: Create a Docker Linux Image for Liquibase Enterprise

Docker containers are a great fit for CI/CD pipelines built using cloud orchestration tools. This document will explain how to create a Docker image with Liquibase Enterprise installed. You can use the Docker image in your CI/CD pipeline to deploy code to your databases.


This article assumes that you have a basic understanding of Docker. To create the Docker image, you will need the following:

  • A server or VM with Docker installed and running

  • Access to the internet to download Liquibase Enterprise software

  • Your Liquibase Enterprise license key

The Docker build will download and install the Liquibase Enterprise software, add the license key, and generate an image that is ready to run Liquibase Enterprise. Upload the image to your private Docker repository to make it available to your CI/CD pipelines. Since the image contains your license key, it should not be uploaded to a public repository.

Create a Docker Image

Follow these steps to create a Docker image with Liquibase Enterprise.

Step 1: Configure the DockerFile

Copy the DockerFile shown below to your server or VM where Docker is running. The file should be named DockerFile. Make the following configuration changes to the DockerFile:

  • Select the base Linux image according to your internal system standards.

  • Supply the version of Liquibase Enterprise including the last 4 digits of the version number.

  • Optionally install additional database clients.

  • Provide the name of your license file.


# Select a RHEL 8 compatible base image. The following 3 images have been tested. # Note that RHEL ubi8 does not have the libnsl package required for the Oracle client and will not work. FROM rockylinux:8 #FROM almalinux:8 #FROM oraclelinux:8 # Liquibase Enterprise Release Version # Enter the full version including the last 4 digits. ARG LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION=<X.X.XXXX> # Install required utilities # - The libaio and libnsl packages are needed for the Oracle instant client. They can be removed if not deploying to Oracle targets. # - Install the Postgres client if deploying to Postgres targets. RUN \ yum clean all && \ yum -y update && \ ACCEPT_EULA=Y yum -y install \ libaio \ libnsl \ git \ java-11-openjdk-devel \ zip \ unzip && \ # Install the postgresql client (optional) by uncommenting the next three lines. # yum install -y && \ # yum module disable -y postgresql && \ # yum install -y postgresql14.x86_64 && \ yum clean packages && \ yum clean metadata && \ yum clean all # Create liquibase user RUN \ groupadd liquibase && \ useradd -d /opt/liquibase -g liquibase liquibase && \ echo 'liquibase:liquibase' | chpasswd # Setup installation directories RUN \ mkdir /opt/liquibase/installers && \ mkdir /opt/liquibase/license && \ chown -R liquibase /opt/liquibase WORKDIR /opt/liquibase # Copy autoinstallers file to image COPY --chown=liquibase:liquibase autoInstall.xml /opt/liquibase/installers # Copy License File to image # Update the name of your_license file. COPY --chown=liquibase:liquibase <your_license>.lic /opt/liquibase/license # Change to the liquibase user USER liquibase ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/liquibase/repl #Install Liquibase Enterprise RUN set -x \ && curl -o ./installers/DaticalDB-linux.gtk.x86_64-${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}.jar${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}/DaticalDB-linux.gtk.x86_64-${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}.jar \ && curl -o ./installers/DaticalDBCompositeRepo-${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}.zip${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}/DaticalDBCompositeRepo-${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}.zip \ && java -jar /opt/liquibase/installers/DaticalDB-linux.gtk.x86_64-${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}.jar /opt/liquibase/installers/autoInstall.xml \ && export PATH=$PATH:/opt/liquibase/repl \ && echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/liquibase/repl" >> ~/.bashrc \ && cp /opt/liquibase/license/*.lic /opt/liquibase/repl \ && hammer installDrivers jar:file:/opt/liquibase/installers/DaticalDBCompositeRepo-${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}.zip\!/ \ # Cleanup files to reduce the size of the image. && rm /opt/liquibase/installers/DaticalDB-linux.gtk.x86_64-${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}.jar \ && rm /opt/liquibase/installers/DaticalDBCompositeRepo-${LIQUIBASE_ENTERPRISE_VERSION}.zip \ # Remove Oracle instant client if it is not needed # && rm -rf /opt/liquibase/instantclient \ && rm -rf /opt/liquibase/configuration \ && rm -rf /opt/liquibase/plugins #For Liquibase Enterprise Project Info VOLUME /liquibase/project #For Liquibase Packager using SQL Source Code Repo VOLUME /liquibase/src ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]


Step 2: Configure the autoInstall.xml file for Liquibase

Liquibase will be installed using ‘silent mode’. This requires a response file to provide the required information for the installer.

Copy the file below and update <your_license> to match your license key. Make sure to name the file autoInstall.xml. Place the file in the same folder as the DockerFile.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <AutomatedInstallation langpack="eng"> <com.izforge.izpack.panels.HelloPanel id="UNKNOWN (com.izforge.izpack.panels.HelloPanel)"/> <com.izforge.izpack.panels.LicencePanel id="UNKNOWN (com.izforge.izpack.panels.LicencePanel)"/> <com.izforge.izpack.panels.TargetPanel id="UNKNOWN (com.izforge.izpack.panels.TargetPanel)"> <installpath>/opt/liquibase</installpath> </com.izforge.izpack.panels.TargetPanel> <com.izforge.izpack.panels.PacksPanel id="UNKNOWN (com.izforge.izpack.panels.PacksPanel)"> <pack index="0" name="Liquibase Enterprise Desktop" selected="true"/> <pack index="1" name="Liquibase Enterprise CLI" selected="true"/> <pack index="2" name="Liquibase Enterprise license manager" selected="true"/> <pack index="3" name="Java 11 Runtime" selected="true"/> <pack index="4" name="Oracle Instant Client" selected="true"/> <pack index="5" name="Edbplus Client" selected="true"/> </com.izforge.izpack.panels.PacksPanel> <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="SelectLicenseFilePanel"> <userInput> <entry key="license.path" value="/opt/liquibase/license/<your_license>.lic"/> </userInput> </com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel> <com.izforge.izpack.panels.InstallPanel id="UNKNOWN (com.izforge.izpack.panels.InstallPanel)"/> <com.izforge.izpack.panels.ShortcutPanel id="UNKNOWN (com.izforge.izpack.panels.ShortcutPanel)"/> <com.izforge.izpack.panels.FinishPanel id="UNKNOWN (com.izforge.izpack.panels.FinishPanel)"/> </AutomatedInstallation>


Step 3: Copy your Liquibase license file.

Copy your Liquibase license file to the folder containing the DockerFile and autoInstall.xml.

Step 4: Build the Docker image

Run the following command from the directory where the DockerFile is located.

Replace <imagename>:<version> with your preferred tag. For example, liquibase:v8.1.

docker image build -f DockerFile . -t <imagename>:<version>

Step 5: Verify the Docker image

Run the following commands to start the Docker container and verify the Liquibase installation.

Step 5: Upload the Docker image

The steps to upload the Docker image will vary depending upon the repository of your choice. Consult your local Docker repository administrator for assistance uploading the image.

Make sure that the Docker repository is private to your organization since the image contains your Liquibase license key!



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