How To: Set default web browser in the GUI

Step-by-step guide

Set default web browser in Datical GUI: 

  1. In Datical GUI, go to "File" menu and select "Preferences"
  2. Under "General" Select the "Web Browser" category.
  3. Under the "Web Browser" window, select "Use internal web browser" or "Use external browser":
  4. If you selected "Use external browser" above, then you can select which external browser to use from the list under "External web browsers:" 
  5. If you don't see your preferred browser appearing in the external browser list, click on "New" and find the source installation directory of your browser in the "Add External Web Browser" window and click "OK".
  6. The "Web Browser" window should display the new browser under "External web browsers". Select the desired browser by selecting the check box. Then press the "Apply and Close" button:

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