How To: Include a SqlRule to enforce Managed Schemas

How To: Include a SqlRule to enforce Managed Schemas

In Liquibase Enterprise version 7.6 the product was enhanced to allow for a SqlRule that will error if scripts contain changes to schemas that are not the managed schemas for the project.


  • Liquibase Enterprise version 7.6 or higher if using credentials stored in datical.project file

  • Liquibase Enterprise version 8.7 or higher if using Delayed Credentials where username and password are specified as environment variables at runtime

  • All project managed schemas must be listed in the datical.project file


  1. Create a rule called CheckProjectSchema.drl with the following content. Rule is also included below in the Download Rule section. Please note that there are different versions based on your Liquibase Enterprise version.

    1. Liquibase Enterprise Version 8.7 or higher

      // Copyright (c) 2024 Datical, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /* @author Liquibase @version 1.1 @date May 24, 2024 @description ERROR if SQL script references a schema outside Project file */ /* README: This is a SQL Rule which throws ERROR when a sql script references a schema outside Project file. However dbDef under verification should have access to the schema used in the script. If it does not have access, error will NOT be thrown. To Execute this rule use: hammer runRules [dbDef] [SQL file | SQL files folder] */ package com.datical.hammer.core.sqlrules.CheckProjectSchemas import com.datical.db.project.Project; import com.datical.db.project.Schema; import com.datical.db.project.DatabaseDef; import com.datical.dbsim.model.DbModel; import com.datical.db.project.Plan; import java.util.regex.*; import com.datical.db.project.util.ProjectUtil; import java.util.*; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import liquibase.database.Database; import liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection; import com.datical.hammer.core.liquibase.status.LiquibaseAPIUtils; import com.datical.hammer.core.connectionservice.DatabaseBuilder; import java.sql.Connection; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.ProjectResources; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.Response; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.Response.ResponseType; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.WithComments; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.WithoutComments; import com.datical.hammer.core.DatabaseDefUtil; import com.datical.hammer.core.extensions.DBOperations; /*********************************************************** Rules *************************************************************/ /* @return false if validation fails; true otherwise */ function boolean validateSql(String sql, Project project, DBOperations operations, DatabaseDef dbDef, String regex) { //System.out.println("Validation called: CheckProjectSchemas"); List<String> availableSchemas = getAvailableSchemas(project, operations, dbDef); List<String> availableSchemasList = new ArrayList<>(); for(String schema : availableSchemas) { availableSchemasList.add(schema.toLowerCase()); } boolean nonManagedSchemaFound = false; List<String> schemaStringList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Schema schema : project.getSchemas()) { schemaStringList.add(schema.getName().toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\$\\{.*\\}.","")); } //System.out.println("Available schemas size:"+availableSchemasList.size()); //System.out.println("Assigned schemas size:"+schemaStringList.size()); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sql); while(matcher.find()){ String formattedSchemaName = matcher.group(1).replace("[","").replace("]",""); //System.out.println("Formatted Schema Name = " + formattedSchemaName); if(!schemaStringList.contains(formattedSchemaName) && availableSchemasList.contains(formattedSchemaName)) { nonManagedSchemaFound = true; //System.out.println("Non Managed Schema Name found in script: " + formattedSchemaName); break; } } return nonManagedSchemaFound; } function List<String> getAvailableSchemas(Project project, DBOperations operations, DatabaseDef dbDef){ List<String> schemas = new ArrayList(); Connection connection = null; try { connection = ((JdbcConnection) DatabaseBuilder.buildDatabase(dbDef).getConnection()).getWrappedConnection(); schemas = operations.getSchemaNames(connection); } catch (Exception dbe) { } finally { if (connection != null){ try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; // do nothing } } } return schemas; } rule "CheckProjectSchemas" salience 1 when $project : Project() $operations : DBOperations() $dbDef : DatabaseDef() woc : WithoutComments(validateSql(getText().toLowerCase(), $project, $operations, $dbDef, "(\\S+)\\s*\\.\\s*(\\S+)")) then String errorMessage = "Script references a Schema not managed by this Liquibase pipeline."; insert(new Response(ResponseType.FAIL, errorMessage, drools.getRule().getName())); end
    2. Liquibase Enterprise Version 7.6 to 8.6

      /* @author Liquibase @version 1.0 @date July 28, 2020 @description ERROR if SQL script references a schema outside Project file */ /* README: This is a SQL Rule which throws ERROR when a sql script references a schema outside Project file To Execute this rule use: hammer runRules [dbDef] [SQL file | SQL files folder] */ package com.datical.hammer.core.sqlrules.CheckProjectSchemas import com.datical.db.project.Project; import com.datical.db.project.Schema; import com.datical.db.project.DatabaseDef; import com.datical.dbsim.model.DbModel; import com.datical.db.project.Plan; import java.util.regex.*; import com.datical.db.project.util.ProjectUtil; import java.util.*; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import liquibase.database.Database; import com.datical.hammer.core.liquibase.status.LiquibaseAPIUtils; import com.datical.hammer.core.connectionservice.DatabaseBuilder; import java.sql.Connection; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.ProjectResources; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.Response; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.Response.ResponseType; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.WithComments; import com.datical.hammer.core.rules.WithoutComments; import com.datical.hammer.core.DatabaseDefUtil; import com.datical.hammer.core.extensions.DBOperations; /*********************************************************** Rules *************************************************************/ /* @return false if validation fails; true otherwise */ function boolean validateSql(String sql, Project project, DBOperations operations, String regex) { System.out.println("Validation called: CheckProjectSchemas"); List<String> availableSchemas = getAvailableSchemas(project, operations); List<String> availableSchemasList = new ArrayList<>(); for(String schema : availableSchemas) { availableSchemasList.add(schema.toLowerCase()); } boolean nonManagedSchemaFound = false; List<String> schemaStringList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Schema schema : project.getSchemas()) { schemaStringList.add(schema.getName().toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\$\\{.*\\}.","")); } //System.out.println("Available schemas size:"+availableSchemasList.size()); //System.out.println("Assigned schemas size:"+schemaStringList.size()); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sql); while(matcher.find()){ String formattedSchemaName = matcher.group(1).replace("[","").replace("]",""); //System.out.println("Formatted Schema Name = " + formattedSchemaName); if(!schemaStringList.contains(formattedSchemaName) && availableSchemasList.contains(formattedSchemaName)) { nonManagedSchemaFound = true; System.out.println("Non Managed Schema Name found in script: " + formattedSchemaName); break; } } return nonManagedSchemaFound; } function DatabaseDef getDatabaseDef(Project project) { String dbName = project.getSchemaSelectionStep(); DatabaseDef dbDef = DatabaseDefUtil.findDbByName(project, dbName); return dbDef; } function List<String> getAvailableSchemas(Project project, DBOperations operations){ DatabaseDef dbDef = getDatabaseDef(project); List<String> schemas = new ArrayList(); Connection connection = null; try { connection = DatabaseBuilder.buildPlainConnection(dbDef); schemas = operations.getSchemaNames(connection); } catch (Exception dbe) { } finally { if (connection != null){ try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; // do nothing } } } return schemas; } rule "Check Project Schemas Format" salience 1 when $project : Project() $operations : DBOperations() woc : WithoutComments(validateSql(getText().toLowerCase(), $project, $operations, "(\\S+)\\s*\\.\\s*(\\S+)")) then String errorMessage = "Script references a Schema not listed in Project file (Sql Script: " + woc.getSqlFile().getName() + ")"; insert(new Response(ResponseType.FAIL, errorMessage, drools.getRule().getName())); end
  2. This rule needs to be placed in <project_dir>/Rules/SqlRules

  3. This rule should account for schemas referenced in any of the below formats when using the actual schema name (not property substitution for schema name). Additional schema patterns can be included by modifying the regex pattern for object names:

    1. schema_name.object_name

    2. [schema_name].[object_name]

    3. schema_name.[object_name]

    4. [schema_name].object_name

  4. There may be matches for the regex pattern in the sql script that are not schema names. In order to avoid triggering the rule in these false positive cases, the rule compares the schema name against the list of available schemas on the database. If the schema name is not included in the list of available schemas the match will be disregarded.

  5. Example Packager Error:


  6. If you wish to check the rule using hammer runRules, a dbDef parameter must be included. This command needs to be run from the ddb repo:

    hammer runRules [dbDef] [SQL file | SQL files folder]

The attached rule will handle property substitution for the database name, but it does not handle property substitution for schema names.

Download Rule


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