How To: Enforce changes to Lower Environments using Automation

Many organizations have a database policy requiring any change to Production be deployed first in a lower environment. Liquibase Enterprise customers can use the forecast command in their automation script(s) to enforce this type of policy.


Sample pipeline

  1. current


  2. hotfix



  • In this example, the deploy command looks as such: hammer deploy --labels=$labels --pipeline=$pipeline DEV

  • Update the script below to remove --labels or --pipeline if not using with the deploy command.

  1. In the Deploy automation workspace include a file called with example code below. If you deploy with labels or contexts make sure to pass those same parameters to the forecast command.

    #!/bin/bash echo "Forecasting to lower environments to check all changes have been deployed" echo "Labels: $1" echo "Pipeline: $2" echo "Current Environment: $3" labels=$1 pipeline=$2 currentEnv=$3 #Check DEV if [ $currentEnv == "DEV" ] then echo "No previous environments" exit 0 fi #Check QA if [ $currentEnv == "QA" ] then echo "Forecasting to DEV" hammer forecast --labels=$labels --pipeline=$pipeline DEV |& tee output.txt if grep -q "There are 0 change sets forecast" "output.txt"; then exit 0 fi fi #Check QA2 if [ $currentEnv == "QA2" ] then echo "No previous environments" exit 0 fi #Check PROD (current) if [ $currentEnv == "PROD" ] && [ $pipeline == "current" ] then echo "Forecasting to QA" hammer forecast --labels=$labels --pipeline=$pipeline QA |& tee output.txt if grep -q "There are 0 change sets forecast" "output.txt"; then exit 0 fi fi #Check PROD (hotfix) if [ $currentEnv == "PROD" ] && [ $pipeline == "hotfix" ] then echo "Forecasting to QA2" hammer forecast --labels=$labels --pipeline=$pipeline QA2 |& tee output.txt if grep -q "There are 0 change sets forecast" "output.txt"; then exit 0 fi fi # Otherwise exit with 1 to indicate Lower Environments have not been satisfied exit 1
  2. Make sure there are executable permissions on

  3. In the Deploy script include a call to

    bash $(labels) $(PIPELINE) $(deployenv) if [ $? -eq 0 ] then hammer deploy --labels=$(labels) --pipeline=$(PIPELINE) $(deployenv) hammer debug export --include="datical.project,changelog.xml,daticaldb*.log,*.html,,packager.log" --report=Reports/debug/ else echo "Cannot run deployment until all changes have been deployed to lower environments" hammer debug export --include="datical.project,changelog.xml,daticaldb*.log,*.html,,packager.log" --report=Reports/debug/ exit 1 fi



  • In this example, the deploy command looks as such: hammer deploy --labels=$labels DEV

  • Update the script below to add --pipeline or any other parameters that are in-use with the deploy command.

  1. In the Deploy automation workspace include a file called enforce_workflow.bat with example code below. If you deploy with labels or contexts make sure to pass those same parameters to the forecast command.

    @echo off echo "Forecasting to lower environments to check all changes have been deployed" echo "Labels: %1" echo "Current Environment: %2" SET labels=%1 SET currentEnv=%2 REM Check DEV if "%currentEnv%"=="DEV" ( echo "No previous environments" exit /B 0 ) REM Check QA if "%currentEnv%"=="QA" ( echo "Forecasting to DEV" hammer forecast --labels=%labels% DEV > output.txt echo "Forecast is complete" find "There are 0 change sets forecast" output.txt > NUL && echo All changesets have been deployed to DEV || echo There are changesets that were not deployed to DEV ) REM Check PROD if "%currentEnv%"=="PROD" ( echo "Forecasting to QA" hammer forecast --labels=%labels% QA > output.txt echo "Forecast is complete" find "There are 0 change sets forecast" output.txt > NUL && echo All changesets have been deployed to QA|| echo There are changesets that were not deployed to QA )


  2. Make sure there are executable permissions on enforce_workflow.bat.

  3. In the Deploy script include a call to enforce_workflow.bat.



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