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Oracle Wallet is used to store configuration information for secure connections to Oracle databases. 

Datical DB supports Liquibase Enterprise supports secure connections (SSL) to Oracle databases through Oracle Wallet. This page describes the process:

  • Have the correct version of the Oracle JDBC driver installed. The driver supplied with Datical DB with Liquibase Enterprise versions 5.7.5665 (or higher) was updated to support Oracle Wallet. 
  • Set up required configuration files and environment variables.

Datical DB uses Liquibase Enterprise uses Oracle Wallet for certificates only. You specify a user and password for the connection separately when creating the connection to the database in each DbDef. 

See Oracle Wallet documentation maintained by Oracle Corporation. 





You cannot use the Datical Accelerator for Oracle in projects or DbDefs where you are using Oracle Wallet for secure connections. 

See Datical Accelerator for Oracle

Prerequisite: Oracle Wallet Installed and Configured


Create a directory on the host where you run Datical DB run Liquibase Enterprise to use for the wallet file and Oracle configuration files. 

The example places it in the oracle_wallet directory under the <project> directory in the default location for Datical DB for Liquibase Enterprise projects.  If Oracle is installed on the host, another common location might be $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.  


ojdbc.propertiesOracle database driver configuration file. 

Oracle wallet file.

Copy this file from the Oracle database server.

Here is some more information about How To: Generate the cwallet.sso file and Load SSL Certificates from Liquibase Enterprise Knowledge base.


Profile configuration file for the Oracle database client. 

Copy this file from the Oracle database server.


Configuration file that maps net service names to connect descriptors.

Copy this file from the Oracle database server.


In the following example, the section is named ORA_AWS. You may name it as you wish. Use this name for the TNS Alias setting in Datical DB in Liquibase Enterprise projects. 

Code Block
   (ADDRESS = 
      (HOST = <oracledb-hostname>)
      (PORT = <oracledb-port>)
      (SERVICE_NAME = <oracledb-servicename>)

3. Set TNS_ADMIN to Point to the Configuration Files Directory

On the host where Datical DB where Liquibase Enterprise is running, set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable to the directory containing the configuration files. 

Code Block
set TNS_ADMIN = /datical/oracle_wallet/

4. Set Up


Liquibase Enterprise Projects to Use Oracle Wallet

When you create a DbDef in a project and choose Oracle as the database type, you set the following property:


See also Oracle Database Step Settings in /wiki/spaces/DDOC59/pages/795706031 Configuring Step Settings (DbDefs)

5. Test the Configuration



Before running Oracle Wallet with Liquibase Enterprise, please run the OraConnect.groovy test script to verify that your environment is setup correctly.