Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Each script in “ddl” directory go through a process during packaging called “convert SQL”. The output of the “convert SQL” is XML changeset that defines EVERY change of the object derived from a script. The benefit of “convert SQL” is that Datical can forecast these changes during forecast operation. Here is what a “convert SQL” generated changeset would look like. Notice that we identify creation of the table along with each column in the table.

Code Block
titlechangelog.xml (ddl)
    <changeSet appdba:scriptChecksum="10465378bdaf34aa6c432f0971dff485" author="jenkins (generated)" context="REF1, DEV, TEST, PROD" created="2018-07-02 14:34+0000" datical:origFileName="createAAA_TESTA1_new.sql" datical:origFilePath="ddl/NGT" datical:version="1" datical:versionStrategy="DEPLOY_ALL" id="7opf-1 (createTable tableName=AAA_TESTA1)" labels="sid-9090, 22, ddl, createaaa_testa1_new.sql" objectQuotingStrategy="QUOTE_ALL_OBJECTS">


        <createTable schemaName="NGT" tableName="AAA_TESTA1">


            <column name="ID" type="NUMBER(*, 0)"/>


            <column name="FIRST_NAME" type="VARCHAR2(50 BYTE)"/>


            <column name="MIDDLE_NAME" type="VARCHAR2(50 BYTE)"/>


            <column name="LAST_NAME" type="VARCHAR2(50 BYTE)"/>


            <appdba:storageOptions dbms="oracle" path="ngt/storage/AAA_TESTA1_tbl_1530542040659.sql"/>





Scripts in “SQL_DIRECT”:

On the other hand, scripts in “sql_direct” receive a very different treatment. Datical does not perform “convert SQL” operation on these scripts and as such the XML changeset simple references the SQL script instead of exact changes to the database. The downside here is that Datical is unable to forecast changes from scripts in “sql_direct” folder. Here is what a “sql_direct” generated changeset would look like. Notice that XML simply references the script (highlighted) which is available to the changelog.xml via “resources” folder of the Datical project.

Code Block
titlechangelog.xml (sql_direct)
    <changeSet appdba:scriptChecksum="50be173164ac75b6500a2ff963636a67" author="Adeel Malik" context="REF1, DEV, TEST, PROD" created="2018-08-08 14:54+0000" datical:origFileName="createAAA_TESTA6.sql" datical:origFilePath="sql_direct/NGT" datical:version="1" datical:versionStrategy="DEPLOY_ALL" id="2018080814545272_createAAA_TESTA6" labels="58,$all,createAAA_TESTA6.sql">
        <appdba:sqlplus enableRollbackOnError="true" path="sql/2018080814545272_createAAA_TESTA6.sql" removeSpools="First" schemaName="NGT"/>

    <changeSet appdba:scriptChecksum="50be173164ac75b6500a2ff963636a67" author="Adeel Malik" context="REF1, DEV, TEST, PROD" created="2018-08-08 14:54+0000" datical:origFileName="createAAA_TESTA6.sql" datical:origFilePath="sql_direct/NGT" datical:version="1" datical:versionStrategy="DEPLOY_ALL" id="2018080814545272_createAAA_TESTA6" labels="58,$all,createAAA_TESTA6.sql">
