- Only DDL scripts (scripts committed into the "ddl" directory when using the default "convert" packaging method) will generate multiple changesets.
- This means that a unique changeset will be generated for each object that the DDL script operates on.
- Here is an example: a script created two changesets because it contains SQL code for creating two different tables:
Code Block language sql firstline 1 title customer_billing_SEPT.sql linenumbers true collapse true -------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL for Tables: -- customer_billing_address -- customer_billing_details -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "PPADM"."customer_billing_address" ( "ID" NUMBER(*,0), "FIRST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE), "MIDDLE_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE), "LAST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) ) SEGMENT CREATION DEFERRED PCTFREE 10 PCTUSED 40 INITRANS 1 MAXTRANS 255 NOCOMPRESS LOGGING TABLESPACE "PPDEFAULT" ; REM INSERTING into PPADM.customer_billing_address SET DEFINE OFF; CREATE TABLE "PPADM"."customer_billing_details" ( "ID" NUMBER(*,0), "FIRST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE), "MIDDLE_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE), "LAST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) ) SEGMENT CREATION DEFERRED PCTFREE 10 PCTUSED 40 INITRANS 1 MAXTRANS 255 NOCOMPRESS LOGGING TABLESPACE "PPDEFAULT" ; REM INSERTING into PPADM.customer_billing_details SET DEFINE OFF;
- Scripts committed into any other directory (data_dml, ddl_direct, function, package, packagebody, procedure, sql, sql_direct) will result in only one changeset for that script.
- Here is how a changeset would look like which generated from a script committed into "data_dml" directory: