- Caveat: If you are not using SQL Parser, then only sqlrules would apply in sql_direct folder. (Other types of rules and forecast modeling do NOT apply in the sql_direct folder if you are not using SQL Parser for Oracle.)
- If you are using Oracle with Datical DB 6.15 or higher you could consider using SQL Parser for Oracle to add forecast modeling and forecast rules.
- When you enable the SQL Parser for Oracle project setting, SQL Parser is applicable by default to the data_dml folder (packageMethod=data_dml) and sql_direct folder (packageMethod=direct) and sql folder (packageMethod=sqlfile).
- You could also opt to set packageMethod=direct for your ddl folder so that folder would also use SQL Parser. Using SQL Parser with packageMethod=direct for ddl would be faster than using the packageMethod=convert for ddl (convert is the default for ddl). You can change the packageMethod for the ddl folder in the metadata.properties file for the ddl folder.
- If your DML scripts are quite large, you could disable SQL Parser for the DATA_DML folder for performance reasons. You can disable SQL Parser at the folder level by setting disableSqlParser=true in the metadata.properties file for the DATA_DML folder. Note that you only need to set disableSqlParser=true for DML in older Datical versions 7.5 and below. Parser is already disabled for DML by default in newer Datical versions 7.6 and higher.
- Please see these pages:
- There were performance improvements during the forecast stage for those who run deployPackager on Windows clients or Windows agents in Datical DB version 6.8 (and higher).
- There were performance improvements for those who use the Stored Logic Validity Check project setting in Datical DB version 6.12 (and higher).
- There were performance improvements for several operations in Datical DB version 6.14 (and higher). Areas where you may notice performance improvements:
- Status/Pipeline Status operations in the Datical DB GUI
- 'status' & 'statusDetails' commands in the CLI
- Complex operations which run status implicitly (CLI & GUI) - All types of 'deploy' operations, All types of 'rollback' operations, Deploy Packager, Convert SQL, and Change Log Sync
- There were improvements for what SQL Parser for Oracle can model in Datical DB version 6.15 (and higher).
- There were performance improvements specifically for multi-database/multi-catalog configurations of SQL Server projects in Datical DB version 6.16 (and higher).
- There is a fix for the DATAPUMP API Oracle backup and restore in Datical DB version 6.16 (and higher) to better handle running multiple packager jobs concurrently.
- There is a new cleanup command for packager in Datical DB versions 7.3 (and higher). The cleanup command can be run after any time that you might need to manually interrupt a packager build job midway. The cleanup command is to unblock subsequent packager jobs after a manual interruption by clearing the locks on DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK and DATICAL_SPERRORLOG tables and also restoring REF. Please see this page for more details: How To: Use ReleaseLocks Command and Packager with Cleanup Option
- With Datical DB version 7.6 (and higher), there is a new feature that prevents continuing to run packager jobs after a backup error or restore error. Please see the "Recovering from a Backup or Restore Failure" section here for more details: https://datical-cs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DDOC/pages/896570174/Managing+Database+Backup+and+Restore#ManagingDatabaseBackupandRestore-RecoveringfromaBackuporRestoreFailure
15. Although not specifically about packager, it may also be useful to check the items on these pages that may improve Deploy performance: