Overview of the Database Components Used by Liquibase Enterprise

Liquibase Enterprise was formerly known as Datical DB.

Overview of the Database Components Used by Liquibase Enterprise

The following diagram shows the Liquibase Enterprise-required additions to the databases in your release pipeline. 

Managed Databases

The release pipeline consists of a REF database plus managed databases for each stage in your release process. The number and type of stages varies by IT organization. 

  • DEV - Development
  • QA - Testing
  • STAGE - Final testing and preparation
  • PROD - Live production database

See Managed Databases

REF Database

Required for Liquibase Enterprise. You provision a database to serve as the first step in the release pipeline. Liquibase Enterprise packages SQL scripts into change sets and deploys them to this database first. You deploy the changes to later stages.  

See REF Database

DMCDB Database

Required for Liquibase Enterprise's Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC). You provision a database to serve as the store for reports and status information presented in the DMC.  (Postgresql only)

See Deployment Monitoring Console database (DMCDB) for Datical Projects

Tracking Tables

Required for Liquibase Enterprise. Tracking tables are created in every database managed by Liquibase Enterprise and track the deployment status of change sets in the change log for the database. The change log represents the state of the database as a set of all changes (change sets) used to achieve the current state.  

  • Single schema projects - use the same schema as the database changes.
  • Multi-schema projects - create or identify a separate schema to use for the tracking tables. 

See Tracking Tables

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